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Chapter Fourteen


"WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE," ELIZABETH ADMITTED QUIETLY. She stalked behind the other heroes, dragging her feet as she fought internally with all the emotions circling in her head. She sounded visibly afriad, worse then she was at the mention of Thanos' name back on earth.

Stephen picked up on the teenager comment, pausing ahead and waiting for her to catch up. He spotted the flashing light upon Elizabeth wrist computer, the translucent face of Gideon showing distress. If even the AI was becoming worried, something bad was definitely happening.

"This is giving you flashbacks to your earth, isn't it?" Stephen's voice was soft with sympathy, the tone of it reduced so that only he and Elizabeth could hear.

Elizabeth didn't meet his eyes whilst slowly nodding. "Yeah..." she admitted gently, voice distant and filled with sorrow as she recalled the torturous final hours of Earth 245. "It's just... I keep going over everything that we tried to defeat Thanos back home and compare it to now and... What we're doing in preparation now is nowhere near what we tried at home. We did so much more and still failed!" The teenager looked up with a shimmer to her dark gaze, shaking her head slowly. Her stomach twisted and turned with fear, making her feel overwhelmingly sick and she could feel her palms becoming immensely sweaty. "There is nothing you can say or do to reassure me, Stephen. But, I'm still here fighting because I at least have the determination to help you guys defend your home and not suffer the same tragedy I did..."

"But, if this is becoming too much for you to bare, you can leave, you know that right?" Stephen reminded her, pressing a hand to her shoulder and holding her in place. "You don't owe anyone anything."

Elizabeth nodded with hesitance, crossing her arms as she looked off to the side. "I'm not going anywhere. Because, I'm not loosing another home to him." She looked up with a small smile forming. "Plus, if you wanted me to back down, you shouldn't have took me in. Because the truth of the matter is, I can't loose another friend to him."

Stephen laughed half heartedly, squeezing her shoulder lightly as if showing a sense of reassurance or appreciation. "That's one thing I admire about you, kid," he began, pointing at the teenager with a small smirk. "Your unbearable determination. Whatever happens, don't loose it. Promise me that."

The teenager forcefully linked her pinky with Stephen's, the childish action causing the older one to laugh more genuinely. "I promise." Stephen missed how forced the two words were.

"The hell happened to this planet?" Quill exclaimed from ahead, the device in his grasp ticking loudly as it scanned over the deserted plains. This caught the attention of the Sorcerer Supreme and Speedster, who quickly rejoined the group. "It's eight degrees off its axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place."

"The planet's been through hell and back, what did you expect?" Elizabeth spoke up after checking the facts via Gideon. "It's basically the Savannah on steroids, if the Savannah was an alien planet and was a well established civilization once upon a time." She kicked up a handful of sand, sneezing as the particles drifted up past her nose.

Tony paid no attention to the comments on the foreign plant, deep in thought. He remained stuck in his head for a few moments as he juggled multiple scenarios. "Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us," he decided, turning back to the group. "We'll use it."

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