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Chapter Nineteen


THANOS EXITED THE BREACH WITH HIS EYES SLOWLY MOVING ACROSS THE DESERTED PLAINS OF TITAN. His gaze glided over the plains, pausing momentarily on the shattered ship in the distance, watching it rattle silently.

"Oh, yeah," Stephen's voice caught the attention of the Mad Titan, causing the cold glare of Thanos to shift over to the Sorcerer Supreme. "You're much more of a Thanos," he commented, juggling a small pebble in his hands as he returned the cold stare recieved.

"I take it that Maw is dead," Thanos clarified, his gaze never moving from Doctor Strange, but he was more distracted by the Eye that hang from his neck. Specifically, the green artefact hidden beyond his sight. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Stephen's threat fell on deaf ears as Thanos continued forward, visibly unphased by the title Doctor Strange possessed.

Off to the distance, Allison peered around the small boulder she hid behind, Frost's screaming never ending. The negative side to her wanted to break free, wanted to take control and torture Thanos to know what he did to Gamora, and to avenge her should it be deem necessary. She glanced to her left and found Quill watching her closely with a sympathetic frown. But, nonethless, he rose a finger to his lips to push across two messages; say nothing and don't let Frost get control.

"And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos questioned, slowly strolling across the dusty plains.

Stephen remained still despite the approaching Titan. "Let me guess. Your home?" He replied, gaze manoeuvring over the setting for a moment before settling on Thanos again.

Thanos finally paused, resting his foot on a loose rock. "It was." He lifted the gloved hand, the crimson reality stone glowing vibrantly in its designated place on the gauntlet. A wave of red dust slowly pushed across the lands to reveal a much brighter setting that represented Titan previously. "And it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we face extinction, I offered a solution."

Opposite where Quill and Allison were positioned, Elizabeth peered around her hiding spot, only to feel like the world stopped. As soon as she saw the Mad Titan, her face drained of colour, body freezing solid with fear and the mental scars she still had from the final days of her home were torn right back opened.

Elizabeth shrunk back behind the small structure, sliding down and pulling her knees to her chest. She felt a heavy weight be placed around her neck, suffocating her slowly as she drowned in the flashbacks of the worse day of her life. She could easily hear her naturally rapid heartbeat speed up even further as she felt herself drown in the haunted memories of the past. She couldn't hear Gideon. The robot was desperately calling out to the teenager, attempting to distract her and pull her back to reality but, it went unheard.

Elizabeth's sobs were quiet, and she prayed to every single god and goddess she had came across in her journeys that they'd protect her from her worst nightmare.

Stephen looked down in disapproval at the Mad Titan. "Genocide," he said coldly.

"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike," Thanos shot back with a glare. "They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." The false reality faded away from sight.

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