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Chapter Sixteen



"I don't think you get the scientifics here," Rocket stated, cranning his neck from the front seat. Animalia sat where Groot had prior, anxiously biting her nails and scratching her already bruised skin. "These rings are gigantic. You wanna get them moving, you're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose."

Thor jumped down from the top of the pod, gripping tightly onto the thick rope attached to the vessel. He glanced back, frowning deeply as he spotted Animalia drastically changed behavior. Instead of dread, he now saw nothing but worry. "Leave that to me," he answered Rocket, before meeting Animalia increasingly anxious gaze. "Everything is gonna be fine, Lia."

"I-I-I kind of agree with Rocket," Animalia stammered, nodding to the animal sat beside her. "All you got is a rope, how the hell-" She was cut off as Thor began to spin, pulling the pod with him. Rocket screamed, the sound merging with the pages worth of repetitive swears breaking free from the Zelean's lips.

"Fire the engines!" Thor exclaimed, finally pausing the movement. Rocket followed the instructions, swerving to the front and putting the pod in full throttle. Beside him, Animalia breathed in an our rapidly, with her hands gripping tightly onto the armrest, damaged from the pressure she applied. The vehicle blasted forward, pulling Thor with it.

Thor glided over the frozen rings, dragging his feets through the ice and shattering it. He jutted to halt when meeting the edge of this specific ring, causing the pod to halt to. "More... Power... Rabbit!" Thor strained.

Animalia glanced back with widened eyes, watching as the pod slowly tugged forward and the rings of Nidavellir started to break free from the ice. And with a final strained yell, the rings broke free and began to shift, moving smoothly through the atmosphere. A distant rumble destroyed the prior silence and Nidavellir slowly opened up, it's core sparking to life like a star with a glowing orange hue shinning brightly.

Eitri watched with a knowing stare. "Well done, boy."

Animalia jumped out of seat, falling to the floor when Thor slammed into the front of the pod, startling her. He grinned widely, unphased by the unbelievable energy he used up to bring it back to life. "That's Nidavellir!" he exclaimed, pointing to the place's core that burned as brightly as the sun. Animalia's eyes widened as she stood up, admiring the glowing star.

The core released a beam of scorching energy towards one side of the rings, lighting up the previously abandoned world. It looked completely different. But, before anything could be done, the star shut and powered down.

"Damn it," Eitri uttered, over the com system.

"Wha-What happened? I don't understand, it was alive?" Animalia stammered out, glancing expectingly at the God of Thunder. Thor shared her confusion.

"The mechanism is crippled." Eitri's explanation earned an irritated exclamation from Thor. "With the iris closed, I can't heat the metal."

"How long will it take to heat it?" Thor questioned with a sense of urgency in his voice. Animalia closed her eyes and leant her head back, dreading what the question with insinuating.

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