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Chapter Eleven


"THERE IS STILL NO WORD ON THE LOCATION OF TONY STARK. Melissa Ryans, the Superhuman, refused to make a comment on the foreign visitors that appeared in New York City today," the woman reported, footage of Melissa pushing a camera out of her face as she lifted off from New York's streets. Reyna sighed loudly, switching off the TV with a frown, crossing her arms as she leaned back in the couch.

She sat in the newly found Avengers Compound. It was a building she had yet to visit but was able to access since Tony inserted her and Melissa's details into the system shortly after the appearance of Elizabeth Allen. She had arrived an hour prior, and Melissa was yet to show up, sightings of her being made in three different cities. Wakefield, New York and Scotland. Reyna assumed her best friend was looking for Vision, but the search came up empty. It was extremely frustrating.

A faint beep suddenly alerted her, the Vigilante's head immediately snapping up as she heard a door be pushed open. Her curiosity was flowing freely as she prayed it was Melissa, but with the sightings of these invaders, she couldn't be too careful. Reyna immediately armed herself with the handgun that was tucked away in her belt, instinctively switched the safety of and holding it by her waist.

Reyna silently rounded the corner and pulled the weapon up only to gasp, coming face to face with Captain America... Or at least she thought it was Steve... And behind him stood the ex Avengers that were now dubbed as fugitive.

"Woah, it's okay," Steve breathed out, holding his hands up in defense. "It's just us, and despite popular opinion, we aren't hurting anyone."

Reyna blinked vigorously, not believing what her eyes were showing her. "H-How... Why? Why are you guys here after... What? Three years?" she managed to get out in a curious tone whilst she lowered her gun. "I mean, not that I'm not happy to see you guys okay—"

"Aw, we missed you too, Rey," Natasha laughed, pushing past Steve and wrapping the brunette in a tight hug. Reyna immediately returned the gesture, a smile fading onto her lips.

"It really is good to see you all..." she trailed off and seperated from Natasha, moving past the red head as she spotted Vision hunched over figure, arms slung over Wanda and Sam's shoulders to help him stand. Her smile dropped and flipped into a frown as she slowly guided her head over the cut, her fingers twirling with the yellow sparkles that were exploding from the materials.

"These aliens are after the Infinity Stones," Laurel explained, motioning to the glowing gem in Vision's forehead. "The ones that attack Wanda and Vision are of the same blood as the ones that invaded New York."

Reyna shook her head slowly and stepped back, glancing at her friends. "Aliens... Isn't that out of our paygrade?"

Jade laughed. "Exactly what Laurel said."

"Ain't you friends with an alien?" Sam then pointed out with a playful smile, earning a gently shove from the vigilante.

"Oh, shut up," Reyna chuckled sarcastically before motioning for the group to follow her. "Come on, Rhodey's in the laboratory. We're really gonna need your guys' help if these aliens return."

Reyna swiftly led them through the compound, using her own accessibility to help them through instead of letting Jade and Laurel hack into the system and disable FRIDAY temporarily. It was safer... And just a better option overall.
The sound of the final door caught Rhodey's attention, the man breaking eye contact with the holographic Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross, who stared at the Avengers with disappointment.

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