Chapter 2: First Day on the Job

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         I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, I sit up to hear music playing.

"It has such a powerful beat, almost makes me want to dance... I said almost"

I walk over to the black suit I laid down on the couch and put it on one piece at a time. I walk over to the mirror and brush my hair out and put it up into a bun.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be. Behave for me Luna. I'll come get you when the first game ends"

I say to my cat before I hear a knock at my door. I walk over and am greeted by another man in a dark suit. I step out and close my apartment door locking it then leaving with him as he escorts me to a limo taking me to the games. As I step outside I see blinding flashing lights and screams from the adoring fans.





Huh, our champion. I like that. I sit down in the limo and close the door behind me, I look out at the passing trees as we slowly get closer to the games. My anxiety starts to rise and the voices start talk to me more about what to do but all I can do is sit in this limo and wait. My eyes flash between deep blue and white. I catch one of my body guards watching as they flash looking worried. I turn away and close my eyes deciding to take a nap while I wait.


I sit up and see a big base where all the legends will be living at for now on. I step out of the limo and head over to the large doors that slowly open as I get closer. I see a strange women wearing a skin tight black dress. She walks up to be and says

"Welcome Wraith, we've been anxiously waiting for your arrival. I am the announcer of the games and was given the responsibility to show each legend their room then take them to the mess hall."

Her voice is so soothing. I nod my head and follow her down a long maze of hallways till we finally stop at a door with a number that says "#1"

"This is your room, is it completely empty for you to decorate it however you'd like and you have your own bathroom"

I nod my head again and peek my head in to see a bare room with just a mattress. I close the door and follow the women again to the mess hall but she stops by a camera set up and says

"Sorry I forgot, we need a head shot for the games"

I agree and stand in front of the camera, they take a couple pictures of a couple different poses then we leave to finally head to the mess hall. As she opens the door to the mess hall
•I know your secret by toner profitt feat. Liv ash•
begins to play. I look around the large room as the sun shines and lights it up. I squint my eyes and hold up my hand
(They are all looking at you)
Says the voices. Shit. I see everyone looking at me but the one who catches my eye is a dorky looking guy in a yellowish suit. He has fuzzy brown curly hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes. I sit down in the corner of the room staying to myself waiting for the games to start. Suddenly there is a loud bang and the floor shakes. I stand up with my Kunai in hand ready for a fight when I hear a ringing noise and the speakers turn on.

"Attention legends! Please follow our announcer to the drop ship to take you to the ring"

We all stand up and follow closely behind the lady, everyone's talking to each other but I stay quiet looking around this massive base trying to get the best lay out of it as I can. We walk for about 5 minutes before we stop and she opens the door to reveal the back of a ship open and ready for us to dock.

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