Chapter 9: Sweaty Electronics

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*Time skips month and a half*

It's been a little over a month since revenant joined the games. I've hated every moment of it. He makes me so angry. He's been staying away from Mirage knowing I'll hurt him if he gets too close. I've been around Mirage more often to make sure he's safe. I don't know what it is but I just need to make sure he's ok. I'm very protective over him and I hate it. Anyways Wattson and crypto have been getting really close. And touchy.... like they can't keep their hands off of each other and it's weird. Speaking of Wattson on crypto

*POV switch: wattson*

Around 3 am I heard a knock on my door. I open it to see crypto standing there.


I say stuttering. He walks in and closes to door locking it. He then pulls me close and lightly kisses my lips.

"M-may I? D-do you?..."

He asks stuttering. I nod my head.

"Y-yes, you may and yes... I want to"

I say back before he starts kissing me passionately. He puts me down on my bed and removes his shirt. I take off mine and he crawls back on my kissing my stomach and making his way up to my lips giving me one long kiss before taking off his pants. I slowly take off my pants and underwear. He kisses me again slowly putting his fingers deep inside me. I can feel him slowly moving them in and out of me. I can hear his breathing sounding like he's trying to focus. He takes off his underwear and keeps kissing me as he inserts himself in my. I gasp and look at him. He smiles down at me then kisses me. He starts thrusting.


I moan

"Oh fuck yah.."

Crypto says under his breath, my hard starts to flutter hearing him enjoy this

"Oh yeah?.."

I look up at him. He blushes looking at me.

"You feel so good..."

He moans

*POV switch: Wraith:

I wake up to the sounds of squeaking at 3:30 am. I sit up and walk out my room hearing moaning coming from wattsons room. I gasp and run back into my room. Locking my door. God I wish I could be doing that with Mirage right now. I put on some music trying to give them privacy. I sit down on my bed trying to go back to sleep but I can't with all the noise. I'm a light sleeper with noise. I hear a knock at my door. I stand up and open it seeing Mirage

"I can't sleep. Their making too much noise"

He says sleepily walking into my room

"Yah.. I can't sleep either cause of it"

I say watching him walk towards my bed passing out on my bed. I guess he's a light sleeper to sound too. Cute.

"That's.. my bed"

I say

"Cuddle buddies time"

He says drowsy. I'm too tired to argue and head into bed forgetting to close my door. I crawl in bed laying on my back and Mirage lays his head on my chest and wraps his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his head running my fingers through his hair slowly drifting off to sleep. I wake up hearing people giggling. I open my eyes seeing every legend puts it of my room looking at me and Mirage.

"Get out of here! And close my door"

I say not trying to wake up Mirage. Wattson comes in saving the day closing my door. I sigh and cover me and Mirage with a blanket while running my figures through his hair.

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