Chapter 8: Death Protection

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*Time Skip: One month and a half*

It's been a month and a half since our spa day. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it. Today is the day for the new legend to arrive. All we've been told is he doesn't like anyone. Shocker. No one really does. He's coming later than all the other legends did because he doesn't want to be around us. No one wants to give him a proper introduction to the game either. After what we saw, we don't trust him. And I don't want him anywhere near Eliot. Instead of meeting him at the door when he arrived he was given directions to his room by the announcer lady and was left to figure the rest out on his own. I could hear his robotic legs walk past my room. I get up changing into my suit. Game day. Hooray. I put my hair up and walk out to mess hall seeing everyone talking, revenant is sitting infront of Mirage getting a little too close for comfort.

"You scared skin suit?"

I head him growl at Mirage

"Please done eat me"

I hear Mirage say trying to back away from him. I walk over to where they are sitting, slam my hands on the table, I put my body in between rev and mirage then I get right up in revs face

"Back off tin can!"

I say getting pissed off.

"What are you going to do little girl. I could snap your neck"

He snaps back with that

"And I could take your body apart leaving your as just a head to watch everyday go by in a trophy case for my collection! Now like I said BACK OFF!"

I yell at him standing up and kicking him off his chair throwing him across the room. He stands up and looks at me

"Sorry for scaring your boyfriend"

He says. I don't correct him and just stay close infront of Mirage making sure he goes and sits somewhere else. He goes over to caustic and they make conversation.

"Thank you Wraith..."

Mirage says grabbing onto my arm. I turn around and look down at him

"Of course. I saw you uncomfortable"

I sit down where rev was sitting and eat breakfast with Mirage before we all head over to the drop ship preparing for the first game of the season.

Wraith lifeline bloodhound
Launchpad # 6

Mirage crypto Gibby
Launchpad # 5

Wattson revenant caustic
Launchpad # 11

If he hurts her I'm going to lose it. Me lifeline and bloodhound head over to the launchpad waiting for it to lower. Lifeline chooses for us to head down to fragment west. I agree with her ping. She flies us down to fragment west and we begin to loot. The loot here is always high, so I find a blue shield with a spitfire. Lifeline got a purple shield and bloodhound also got a blue. We head over to the big middle building of fragment west only to see other people already there. I signal lifeline and we all duck behind cover. Bloodhound looks over to figure out who it is

"Bangalore, octane.... and pathfinder"

They let us know. I look at lifeline as she pulls out a wingman with a digi threat. I pull out my spitfire. Bloodhound pulls out flatline.

"On 3... 1.....2.....3!"

I yell and we all jump out. Octane starts to stim away but I knock him with my spitfire and it's amazing mag. Bangalore puts down her smoke but lifeline gets her with the digi threat on her wingman. Last is pathfinder. Bloodhound scans finding him hiding in a building near by. Bloodhound heads over and finishes him off. Sorry buddy, but it's how the game works. Ring starts closing and we are far from it.

Wraith X Mirage Lovers in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now