Chapter 7: Dating?!

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*Time skip: Month and a half*

It's been over a month since season 3 started. Wattson and crypto have gotten incredibly close since then. Me and mirage are still just friends, casually we hear lifeline and octane sleeping together and we all start to blast music to drain out the sounds. I'm glad she's happy tho. Waking up to a new day. Today feels weird. Like a happy weird. I haven't felt happy or felt calm in a long time. These people. This game. It's really brought the best out in me. I sit up looking over at Luna. She walks over to me swaying her tail. I start to pet her then i put on some music. I get out of bed and decided to wash up for the day taking a relaxing shower. The warm water feels nice, I keep my hair up and away from the water. I'll wash my hair tonight. There's no game today so it's just relaxing in the house. I step out of the shower putting on some clean pajamas. To be specific, short black shorts, black tank top and black undercut socks. Then I make my way to the mess hall because the girls and boys decided to have their own spa day. I walk in with my towel on my arm and sit down with the rest of the girls on the couches while the boys are at the table.

•Hellburg that girl (feat. Cozi zuehlsdorff)•

Starts to play.

"Ok wraith. Put your towel on your head."

I wrap my hair up in my towel and sit back down. Lifeline sits next to me with a black face mask ready to put on me.

"Make sure not to get this one on her eyebrows"

Wattson says before putting a clay mask on Bangalore. This is Bangalore's first spa day so we are all helping her out with the process.

"This smells weird. Is it supposed to smell weird?"

Bangalore asks. I smile, look at her, then nod my head. Lifeline finishes putting the mask on me

"Could you help me put on this same mask?"

Lifeline asks me.

"Of course"

I put it on her being as careful as I can.

"All done, looking snazzy if I do say so myself"

I smile at her then set down the mask and brush for others to use it. I get up and head over to the bar grabbing a green apple off of it.

"Toss me one wraith?"

Bangalore asks.

"Sure thing"

I grab another one and toss it to her. She catches it. I stand on my tippie toes over the bar reaching to grab a cup and some water. As I sit down I see mirage looking at me, he quickly looks away. I get up and head back to the girls.

*POV switch: mirage

I... I've never seen her in shorts before. Her butt... oh my... stop it Eliot.

*POV switch: wraith*

I sit down next to Wattson looking around at everyone else.

"Why don't we ask the guys if they want to join with the face masks and exfoliates"

Lifeline asks. I shrug my shoulders

"Why not"

We get up and walk over to them.

"What's up boys, how about some face masks time?"

Lifeline asks. The boys all look at each other then back at her.

"Why not. My skin could use some product"

Says Mirage. Lifeline sits down with octane to do his face mask. Wattson heads over to crypto and Bangalore does caustic. So I sit down and do mirages. Bloodhound doesn't want a face mask.

Wraith X Mirage Lovers in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now