Chapter 4: My Best Friend

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              I hear a knock on my door, I sit up and open it to mirage standing there.

"Hey, you ok?"

I ask before he starts kissing me passionately pulling me closer to him. He traces his fingers down my body. I jump up on him wrapping my legs around his waist and I kick the door close. He holds me gently putting me down on my bed, his hands are in my hair pulling it back as he starts to kiss down my neck. I feel his hand travel down my body and into my pants rubbing my clit.


I moan out loud before suddenly jolting up awake realizing none of that was real... and my hand is down my pants. I quickly take it out.

"That was a dream?!"

I yell upset that I'm even having dreams like that. I look over at the time

"2:34 am"

It's so early. I hear a knock at my door. I shake my head and open it.


He yawns

"Are you ok? I heard you uhm.. yell my name"

My face turns a bright red as I realize I said that out loud. I become embarrassed and without saying a word I slam the door in his face.

"O-oh g-goodnight wraith.."

He says sleepily walking back to his room. I turn around and fall to the ground with my face in my hands. I'm such an idiot. I head back to bed this time having a normal dream.

*time skip: 2 weeks*

I wake up hearing blaring music

•MAX - Lights down low, two friends remix•

and party poppers. What the fuck. I'm trying to sleep. I walk out my room with my hair looking like a mess to people celebrating about the new season starting today. Everyone's already dressed and I look like shit. Mirage grabs my arms and dances around the room with me

"Goodmorning cranky wraith!"

He yells over the loud music. I hold myself back from punching him. Next thing I know wattson is stealing me away from mirage to dance. I look at mirage and he looks so sad. I feel bad.

"Wraith I can fight! Want to be on my team!?"

"Of course, you're my best friend!"

I say proudly. That's the first time I called her that. She jumps in my arms!

"Did you guys hear that! WERE BEST FRIENDS!"

I smile big and she gets out of my arms. We all dance around for a couple more minutes before I head into my room to change. When I finish I head to the mess hall where the party was moved. People are still dancing and eating junk food. Bangalore comes over and offers

"Cupcake wraith?"

"No thank you"

I say grabbing a salad from the fridge.

"Party pooper"

She says as she eats the cupcake

"Ass licker"

I say back as I walk to the bar eating my salad. I sit down overhearing a conversation from caustic and octane while they play chess.

"If I win I get to test experiences on you"

Caustic says

"And if I win, your fat ass owes me a race"

They shake hands and start playing the game. I smile a bit and look down at my food picking at the chicken in it. I know the dream was 2 weeks ago but I can't get it out of my head. His hands touching my body felt so real... I want him.. I need him. No! Stop. I start eating my salad and look up at mirage and wattson experimenting. She was putting down her fences and he was throwing his decoys in them to see what they do. They disappeared.

Wraith X Mirage Lovers in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now