Chapter 3: The New Girl

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+POV switch: wraith+

it's been a month and a half since the games have started•

                 I wake up listening to the sweet music playing from outside. It's so calming. Makes me want to stay in bed and listen to it all day. Sadly the day must go on. I step out of bed and almost fall down feeling so sore from yesterday.

"Thank got there is no game today, I don't think I'd make it"

I put on a plain black outfit and step out to see a sticker of mirages face on the door next to mine, oh my god our rooms are right next to each other. How long have I been here and I'm just now noticing this?! The music... it's coming from him...

I walk towards the door about to knock I but choose not to. I turn around and head towards the mess hall stretching my arms out and yawning. I suddenly hear a door open, it's mirage. He walks out

"Good morning wraithy"

He says winking at me as he walks past me to the mess hall.

"Mornin Witt"

I say as I follow him.
(Remember to keep your distance)
He's probably just trying to use me. I need to keep my distance. Mirage turned the mess hall into his own little bar/ hang out place.
I crack my back as I straighten up looking around seeing everyone's cheerful faces. I start to hear some gossip from Bangalore and Gibby sitting at the bar.

"There's a new legend coming next season!"

Says Bangalore talking to Gibby

"Oh really brother, who?"

"A girl, named Wattson"

Bangalore starts looking through her bag and pulls out files, I walk up to them.

"What's she like?"

I ask as I sit down on a bar stool. Bangalore pulls out a picture of a shy looking girl with a blond bob cut.

"Her abilities are electrical fences and she has a robot like thing that gives people shields and eats up bombs, she makes my ultimate looks like shit"

I laugh a bit before flipping through the rest of the files. I put my legs up on another stool before I feel mirage appear behind me with his head on my shoulder.

"Whatcha got there wraithy"

He asks as he grabs wattsons picture from the file

"A new legend you nosy bitch"

I say as I take the picture back.

"She kinda cute... wraithy gotta crushhhhh?"

He says teasing

"First of mr. I'm friends with you so you don't go insane from being so lonely. Second off I don't swing that way, sorry to get your hopes up"

He pouts and walks away over to pathfinder to talk to him instead.

"What a little shit"

I say under my breath before returning the files to Bangalore.

"You know, I think you like him"

Bangalore says to me while grabbing the files and putting them in her bag

"Who, mirage? Yah I doubt that."

"Come on wraith have you ever considered it"

"Even if I did I can't be with him. He doesn't look at me that way, and that's ok."

Wraith X Mirage Lovers in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now