Chapter 12: I Hate Her Already

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*time skip month and a half*

It's been a month and a half since that dinner day. Mirage and I have been slowly talking a bit  more everyday. Everyone forgot there is a new legends until yesterday when the announcer told us we needed to be ready for the legends arrival. No one really cared about this one. We have been so focused on ourselves we forgot a new person was coming soon. Anyway the new legend will be here any moment and I'm already dressed and tired. I walk over to the entrance seeing everyone already unamused.

"She's here"

Says the announcer, next things you know the doors open and an olive skin colored girl with an ugly side pony walks through while popping bubble with her gun

"What is she 5?"

I say laughing to Wattson. Wattson agrees laughing with me

"I'm going to need a room for my shop"

She says. Seriously you start demanding things? She walks towards the mess hall seeing mirages bar.

"Right, mine will be right behind this piece of crap"

She says. I stand infront of Mirage

"It's not a piece of crap!"

I yell at her

"What's got you in a twist?, where's my room"

She starts looking around for her room and finds it. We all walk away not even worried about her. We sit down at the table eating breakfast when she barges in and sits in between me and Mirage. Fucking ugh! I get up and go sit next to Wattson

"I saw that, I'm not liking her"

Wattson says annoyed

"I don't either"

I say back. We finish breakfast then head down to the drop ship. As we enter as always the announcer picks the first game


She says

Wraith lifeline
Launchpad #4

Mirage rampart
Launchpad #11

What?! Wattson looks over at me worried

"Wraith, sometime soon"

Wattson says to me. I shake my head and walk over to lifeline. We step on the launch pad trying to pic where we are going to land. We choose skyhook. When we get there, there's a special care package on one of the roofs with a note

"Win for us Wraith
- your fans"

That's so cute. I open it seeing a kraber.

"Hell yah!"

I take it admiring it's beauty

"Thank you guys!"

I yell to a camera. I go back to looting finding myself a purple evo and a spitfire. Lifeline and I walk all over the map not finding anyone but are watching the squad numbers rapidly drop.

"What's going on?"

I ask lifeline

"I have no idea, but I bet it has something to do with that new girl"

I nod my head and start running around trying to find the sound of gun fire. I start to hear something once we reach harvester.

"It's coming from sorting factory"

I tell lifeline

"That doesn't sound like one of our guns... that sounds new. Like a turret"

She says to me worried

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