Chapter 6: Wattsons New Crush

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*time skips a month the day of the arrival of the new legend*

Little did I know I was wrong, wraith hadn't spoken to me in the last month. It's just been me and pathfinder. I've tried to talk to her but she pushed me away Everytime I did. I feel so dumb for not being able to fix it. She's my best friend yet I don't know what to do in this situation.

+POV switch: Wraith+

Today is the day for the new legend to arrive. I'm not really excited for it. I've just been sticking to my room not talking to anyone the last month. It sucks not having mirages jokes here all the time, but what he said was rude. And I still haven't even gotten a sorry. It's always I know I messed up but where is the sorry. There is no game today but we still have to be in our game outfit for the new legend. As im getting ready I start to hear the creaking of the front doors.

"Legends to the entrance"

Says the announcer, we all head out of our rooms and to the entrance seeing a strange man with dark hair wearing an oversized jacket. Is that him?

"Meet crypto everyone"

Huh. I looked over at wattson blushing. What?!

*time skips two weeks*

Wattson has been getting closer to crypto starting to develop a crush she doesn't want to admit she has. She calls him dark and mysterious. I question her taste, but hey she's my best friend and I'll support her no matter what. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. It's the first day of the new season. Launch game.. fun times. We will be headed to the new map this time. I'm kind of excited for that. Me and mirage still haven't spoken what he said really hurt so I probably won't ever talk to him again. I get dressed and head down to the mess hall finding wattson and crypto talking. I choose to sit by myself at the bar before seeing mirage walk up and sit next to me.

"Please talk to me, I miss you"

I don't look at him and continue eating without saying anything. He wipes his face and leaves. I feel bad now. I get up about to apologize but then

"Attention legends, new arena activated. Head to drop ship"

We hear over the announcements. I walk over to the drop ship. I walk into it leaning against a wall near mirages area and there is mirage trying to talk to me.

"Im like whatever like I'm afraid of a new planet?"

The ship shakes

"What was that?"

What a scaredy-cat

"Chill brother just some minor turbulence"

Says lifeline

"Anyway I've been saying all along we need a change of scenery, so where going to find who ever took the tower down and buy them a drink, boop"

He pokes his toy of himself

"Why don't you just ask the new guy?"

Gibby chimes in

"He ain't too bad of a hacker, knows everything about anything"

Lifeline explains. Mirage walks over to him

"Hey buddy, I heard you are the second smarted guy in the out lands"

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