Chapter 15: Careful

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*time skip month and a half*

It's been a little over a month since me and Mirage starts dating. Every since we slept together we just haven't been able to keep our hands off of each other. I love him so much, I always want more. I don't know how to explain it. Everything's been quiet at the games, horizon has fit right in with us. She keeps talking about wanting to go back in time and I've been asking her if I could go with. I need to go back as well. Help my past self escape again. I sit up from my bed looking over seeing Mirage. I lean over and kiss his forehead. I get up to take a shower but I feel warm arms wrap around my waist.

"There's no game today baby, stay in bed with me"

I hear Mirage say.

"I need to shower, and so do you"

I lean down kissing him slightly biting his lip before getting up to take a shower. I turn around seeing him rush out of bed taking off his shirt. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. I slightly giggle putting my hand on his chest.

"Someone wanting something?"

I ask looking at him, he smirks before kissing me more. He takes off my shirt and his pants. As I bend over to turn on the water to the shower he takes off my pants. I turn around kissing his lips, moving to his neck and Down his chest. I get down on my knees kissing his shaft working my way to the tip. I kiss his tip feeling precum on my lips as I look up at him. He puts his hand on my head running his fingers through my hair. He leans back looking at the ceiling with his eyes closes. I insert him into my mouth hearing him let out a quiet moan. I start to move my head and putting my hand on the bottom of his shaft moving my hand as well. I start to hear his moans get louder. After a moment he stops me a kneels down.

"If you keep this up I'm going to cum in your mouth. Wraith, I want to cum in you instead"

He says kissing my forehead and lifting me off the ground. We step into the shower, he pins me up against the wall kissing my lips, moving to my neck and down to my boobs. He sucks on my nipple squeezing my boobs. I start to laugh.


He asks.

"That tickles"

I say smiling at him. He smiles back kissing me before lifting me up and inserting himself inside me. I let out a loud gasp. He smiles moving me on him.


I say, every position feels different. This ones... nice. I feel the warm water run down out bodies as he kisses my neck moving himself farther into me. I grab onto his face and look at him.

"I love you"

I moan.

"I love you too"

He says back looking like he's struggling not to moan. I hug him close

"I want to hear you."

I whisper. I grabs onto my ass breathing heartier struggling. As he pushes himself deeper inside of me he lets out a cute moan. I grab onto his hair feeling him throbbing inside of me.

"Cum inside my Eliot..."

I plead out

"Not yet.."

He whispers moving me down and turning me around. He lifts me leg up putting himself back inside me thrusting harder. I pulls my hair back pushing himself farther in. He leans over to my head

"You've been good, I want to give you every inch"

He moans in my ear. I bite onto my lip trying not to be so loud but it's so hard. He feels so good.

"Dont stop.."

I moan softly. He keeps going steadily, as I start to cum He starts picking up speed moaning louder. Suddenly he stops starting to shake struggling not to be so loud as well. He pulls himself out and I turn around trying not to fall shaking as well. He kisses me passionately.

"We are good at this"

He laughs laughing a bit

"Yah we are"

I say giggling about so fall. We wash ourselves off and step out of the shower. I dry myself off and get dressed for a big date with everyone. I wear sweats and a crop stop with some tennis shoes. All black of course. Mirage wears a yellow shirt and grey sweats with black tennis shoes as well. I grab my car keys and he head to the mess hall where everyone is waiting. Wattson and crypto, Loba and Bangalore, and lifeline and octane. We sit down as all talk for a moment before leaving.

"You guys got that out of your system for the day?"

Lifeline asks me and Mirage. I start to turn red

"Y-you guys heard?..."

I ask stuttering.

"The whole house always hears you two. Sounds like Mirage here knows what he's doing too"

Loba says. I turn even more red and hide my face in mirages chest. He puts his hand on my head pulling me close

"I do know what I'm doing"

He says laughing holding me. We decide only to take two cars. Mine and wattsons. We walk out to the front. Loba and Bangalore come with me and Mirage. Lifeline and octane go with wattson and crypto. I unlock my car and head into the driver seat. Mirage sits in passenger of course. He kisses my cheek as I turn on the car making our way to our first stop. Coffee. We all step inside one by one ordering what we'd like. I order some food for me and Mirage. We sit down at a table outside talking about life.


Good news and bad news guys.

Bad news first, this is the last chapter for this book, I will sadly be discontinuing it and not completing the chapter, but I wanted to give you what I had already written. There was supposed to be two more chapters after this one but I don't like the way this story is being pulled together

Good news, I didn't like how this book turned out so I have a whole new book in the drafts ready to go when I'm ready to publish it. Instead of rushing a book like I did this one I want to sit down and take my time with the next book. It will be more interesting than this one.

To my followers on my journey with this book or new people thank you for the love and support, please hang tight because thanks to the inspiration from you guys I've started a better book.

Edit: if you guys want more of this story let me know, I will happily continue writing it. For now while this story is on hold please check out my new version called "Pilots only option"

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