Chapter 14: Whoa

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*time skip month and a half*

Today is the day for the new legends arrival. Mirage and I still aren't dating but on occasion he kisses me on the cheek. I'm so glad he likes me back. I've been so nervous he hates me. But about the new legend. Her old home where she lost everyone to that terrible science thing is our new map. Olympus. It's sad that the place she failed to save she now has to play on everyday while working with apex. I don't know how we are supposed to make her feel at home. Bangalore had the idea we find old photos of her son growing up and having his life. And photos from when horizon was still around. We turned it into a big photo album and left it on her bed with a card that says. "I'm sorry for what happened. We hope you feel right at home with us" I hope she likes it. I sit up and get dressed in my void walker suit, when I open my door I see a box on the floor. There's a box infront of everyones door. There's a note on each one too. I take my box in my room and read

"This is what you will be wearing when playing on Olympus"

I open the box seeing a suit just like the one I'm wearing but it's blue and gold. It's name is Phase Walker. It's such a pretty blue and the gold works beautifully with it. I take off void Walker and put on phase Walker. It takes me forever to put on and by the time I walk to the mess hall all the boxes are gone and everyone's dressed and gone. I walk over to the mess hall seeing everyone in blue and gold outfits. I sit down on the couch with everyone else, the front piece of my helmet stays up while I'm with them so I can talk and eat with everyone. Mirage walks up to me grabbing my hand taking me to the back of his bar.

"Everything ok?"

I ask. He takes off my helmet and kisses me.

"No everything is not ok"

He says. I look confused

"What's wrong?"

I ask, he gets really close like he's about kiss me

"You aren't my girlfriend"

He whispers. I smile looking at him

"Are you asking me our Eliot"

I ask blushing

"What if I am"

He says stuttering

"Then I would say yes"

I say then kiss his cheek.

"Wraith... will you be my girlfriend?"

He asks looking nervous as hell.

"Yes Eliot. I would love to be your girlfriend"

I say smiling even bigger, he grabs me up and kisses me again. I grab my helmet and head over back to the girls blushing like a moron. When I sit down the girls look at me weird

"What just happened"

Loba asks

"Mirage asked me out"

I say hiding my smile

"What did you say?"

Lifeline asks

"I said yes"

I say wanting to jump around the room. Suddenly all the girls stand up squealing like little girls, the grab me hugging me

"Congratulations Wraith!!!"

Bangalore screams, I see Mirage looking over at us through the corner of my eye.
•this girl - kungs & cook in' •
Starts to play. Me the girls look look at each other and when the beat drops we turn it up louder and start dancing. When the song ends we look over to the door to the mess hall seeing a red headed girl in a blue suit walk through the doors holding the photo album.

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