Chapter 5: Bruised Up Feelings

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       *time skips a month and a half*

The apex games had to be postponed for a couple of days after the outbreak. They kept the monsters as contained as they could and made the games happen less often to prevent any accidents. Apex let us know they are in the makes of a new map for us. Worlds edge. They said it will be bigger than king's canyon. They are releasing teasers about the new legend. He's coming in a month for us to meet him. They are keeping his information very tight and won't let us know a thing about him. Wattson has been building a friendship with octane and it seems as tho she's loosing feelings. Me and mirage are still the same we've always been. Just good friends. There's another game today. Lovely.

I sit up from bed looking out the window.

"It's early, I have some time to relax"

I continue to look out the window starring over the town watching cars drive around. I hear a knock on my door and walk over, I look through the peephole to see mirage. Just before I open the door I hear Bangalore and start to listen in.

"Do you like her, like more than a friend?"

She asks, being nosy again I see.

"Who wraith? Hah, no not like that. She's a great friend but not my type. She's a brain wreck"

My heart sank. Did he really just say that? I lock my door instead of opening it for him. I go back to the window and start blaring music. Letting time pass by.

+POV switch: mirage+

Did she hear me say that? Oh no. Fuck. I decided to go back to my room instead of bother her. I feel so bad. I didn't mean it at all. I really do like her more than a friend but she doesn't like me like that.

+POV switch: wraith+

An hour passes by as I slowly get ready for the games today. Not prepared to be on my feet running for the next 5 hours, but the day must go on. I slip on my boots, feed my cat then walk outside of my room. As soon as I walk out I see mirage standing there. I ignore him walking right past him to the mess hall. He taps my shoulder, I turn around, grab his hand and twist it.

"Fucking touch me again mirage and we're going to have problems!"

I push him down on the floor then walk away. I sit down at the bar next to wattson.

"Want to partner? It'll be duos today"

She asks with a big smile on her face.

"Of course wattson, duos"

I smile at her, we eat breakfast then head down to the drop ship. It's been a quiet morning today. Today is just an off day for everyone I guess. We sit down in one corner of the ship waiting for launch. No ones really talking.

"I think I'm losing feelings for octane"

Wattson says out of the blue

"Whoa why?"

I say shocked

"I don't know, we just don't click. Yah know? He's a great friend though"

I nod my head understanding, maybe that's just what mirage and I should stay as and I should give up on these feelings.

"Head do your launch pads"

Says the announcer, me and wattson get up walking over to our pad. As it lowers I can see mirage straight across from us. Suddenly mine and wattsons pad shakes, my clumsy ass falls and I slide down grabbing onto a bar. Wattson struggles to grab kneel down to grab me Caustic tries to reach down and help me up, I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe I fell.

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