Chapter 10: That ass tho

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*Time skip month and a half, lobas introduction*

It's been awhile. Mirage and i as usual are still just good friends. Wattson and crypto are constantly at it. My sex life is bare and empty. Makes me almost want to cry. Well all of that shall be floating away for a little bit. The new legends is supposed to come today. I sit up from my bed looking around my room with
•Hungry like the wolf•
Playing over the loud speakers of the house. Suddenly a video starts playing. It's the same murder from before. Revenant killing Loba's parents. I hate the sight of him. I feel so bad for her.

"Attention legends. She has arrived"

Ah shit i gotta get dressed. I quickly slip on my arena form and head out to the front entrance. Shit they are already at the mess hall. I burst through the doors seeing a tall girl with an hourglass shape body. Her.. her ass oh my god. She turns around seeing me.

"Eyes are up here..."

"W-Wraith. My name is Wraith. Sorry for being late."

I shake her hand nervous

"You're cute. I'm Loba but I'm pretty sure you already know that"

She says shaking my hand back

"Yes I do. I'm sorry about your parents."

I say, was that a bad time?

"Don't worry, I'll get my revenge. Want to help out?"

She asks. I nod my head in excitement.

"Good cause I have a plan and you're the only one who's agreed to help me"

"I've got you, I hate him too"

We walk over to the table and sit down with everyone else. Everyone sits down letting Loba know the run down of the games. I can see Bangalore starring at loba. Huh. Someone's got a crush. Time to karma to bite her in the ass this time now. Breakfast goes by fast and we head over to the arena


Says the announcements

Wraith Loba
Launch pad #3

I smile at Loba as we walk towards our launch pad. I like her a lot. We choose to go to thunderroome.

"I need to find the skull with all the info on revenant"

I look at her after we land. Without grabbing a weapon

"I know where to go."

I show her a tunnel that takes us under ground. I hate not having a weapon to protect me but sometimes other things are more important

"How do you know of this"

I look at her as my eyes flash white

"I was experimented on right under this fucking map"

She touches my shoulder lightly

"I am so sorry. This map deserves to be blown"

I nod my head agreeing with her as She walks towards the center pad. I can hear Mirage above us

"Game over tin can"

He says before I hear explosions. Loba starts typing and the room lights up showing hundreds of robots looking just like revenant.

"What the hell is this place?"

I look over at her and some weird head appears in the center. Is that... is that him? She pulls out her gun

"Loba no!"

I yell but it's too late. She shoots the head several times setting off the alarms.

"It's protected..."

Wraith X Mirage Lovers in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now