Chapter 13: Now You See Me?

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*time skip, month and a half*

It's been over a month since I found out wraiths birthday. It's today. I've been talking to rampart trying to get to know her. She isn't a terrible person but I'm not really sure how to feel about her yet. I already have her, her suit and now it's time to give her the bag of files and birthday card. I'm even getting her, her favorite flowers. White roses. I wake up opening the windows seeing the sun shining. I grab out my suit and set it on my bed. I grab her baggy with the flies and set it down next to my suit as well. I grab my wallet and car keys. I walk out to my car seeing wraiths next to mine. God I really do love her but I can't be with her, and that's ok. I'm going to be the best friend I can. I hop in my car and drive to the best flower shop in town. I head out looking at the roses.

"Un excuse me sir"

I talk to one of the workers

"Would you happen to have white roses?"

I ask

"Yes good sir. This way"

He says showing me the white roses. I don't want to get something dramatic or too small. Something perfect. I grab a medium sized flower pot and even some white roses seeds for her to plant later.

"Could I get a vase for these flowers and a pot with soil for the seeds?"

I ask and he shows me where everything is. I pay for it all then walk out. I put the seeds pot and soil in the back seat and the flowers with the vase in the passenger seat. I drive back to base and look at the time. She should be awake by now. I lock my car and head up to my room preparing everything for her before the game today. I get dressed in my regular suit and head out seeing Wraith walking to the mess hall.

*POV switch: Wraith*

I am so tired today. I feel the warmth of someone's arms wrapping around my waist from behind. I turn and see Mirage

"Oh hey, good morning"

I say.

"I have something for you"

He says

"Oh? You do?"

I ask. He pulls out a card

"Happy birthday? But it's not my birthday I don't know my birthday."

I open the card and read outloud

"Happy birthday Renee blasey"

I look at him confused. He smiles and leans in

"Happy birthday Renee"

He says. I gasp

"Is that... my name?.."

I ask about to cry. He nods his head smiling. I jump into his arms hugging him tightly

"Thank you so much!"

I say crying.

"Don't cry birthday girl. I've got to see you in your suit today remember."

He says.

"Oh yah that's right!"

I say excited.

"I'll meet you in the mess hall."

He says. Then I run to my room and get dressed in this cool suit. I leave my helmet off till after he sees me. I really hope he likes his suit. It takes me a moment to get mine on. There is so many little pieces I didn't expect it to have. I walk out and over to the mess hall. I walk in and see Mirage and rampart sitting at his bar. As I walk over I see rampart lean over and kiss him. He doesn't push her away and kisses her back. I could feel my heart shatter in Two. I look around the room seeing the girls looking at me scared. I look back at Mirage with tears running down my face. I drop my helmet and without saying anything I run to my room and close my door locking it.

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