In Plain Sight [Part 3]

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"I'm afraid we will have to evacuate the castle before nightfall, can you use a crutch?" Anya asks Enya as she is gathering the girl's belongings. "It'll just be for tonight, by morning we'll come back to the infirmary."

"It's fine, I do need some exercising." Enya admits as she accepts her bag. "Why do we have to leave anyway?"

"I don't know, one of the castle soldiers alerted me about it."

Enya frowns, but says nothing as she is handed her crutch and carefully stands. Something was up, and she was both concerned and curious about why the castle had to be evacuated before nightfall so quickly. Was something dangerous going to happen?

It had been two weeks since she first came to the kingdom, so far no one had suspected anything was off about her. Even lord Viren, who had been wary and suspicious of her in the beginning hadn't said or done anything after these two weeks. Lucky for her, she still had time to figure out how to discreetly kill him. But unlucky for her, she still didn't even know what child she was told to kill along with Viren. She had been unaware that the mage had two children, and she was never told which one was her second target.

And to this day I still don't know who it is, Soren or Claudia? The assassin wonders as she follows Anya out of the infirmary. If I kill one how do I know I got the right target? I probably should have bound myself, but it's a good thing I didn't. Otherwise my arms would have been cut off and I would have been exposed.

Moonshadow assassins normally used special ribbons to bind themselves to the lives of their targets, and they only came off once the target was slain. Enya had a pair of the ribbons stuffed in her bag, planning on tying them to her upper arms to bind herself to the targets, but due to tripping on a tree, injuring her ankle and being found by Soren, she never ended up using them. After finding out that he was the son of Viren and had a sister, she now was having some second thoughts. While she wasn't really that fond of the goofy teen and his equally quirky sister, she couldn't see herself killing either of them so easily. Soren could easily fight her back and use her injury against her, while Claudia could probably take her out with magic if she wasn't careful.

"So where are we going to be staying?" Enya asks as she and Anya step outside of the castle. "Since we need to leave the castle?"

"In an inn, there's one in the village owned by a friend of mine we can stay overnight." The healer says before she stops. "Ah, your little admirer is coming this way."

Enya inwardly groans when she notices Soren approaching them with his horse in tow, looking quite annoyed and upset. But much to her surprise, no flirtatious quips or comments came from the soldier as he walked past her. Well, that was certainly odd.

"Hey, why the long face?" She calls out to him. This seemed to get his attention.

"You're already leaving?" Soren asks, stopping in his tracks. "It's not even nightfall yet."

"We were told to leave before nightfall, needed to have a bit of a head start before the rest of the castle staff started filling up the inns." Anya responds. "I'm guessing since you're crownguard you have to stay?"

"Yeah, we had to do a quick patrol in the forest before coming back to do more patrolling here in the castle. You need me to walk you two to the inn?"

"We're fine, you just head back to your post." Enya assures him before gently prodding his nose. "Behave yourself, and don't get distracted while on the job."

"Aww, you do care." Soren teases her. "I think you're finally coming around and falling for me."

"You wish!"

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