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Prompt: Enya and Soren's daughter is learning to walk

Setting: post - season 3


"Come on little Sunshine, you can do it!" Soren cheers as his daughter puts a wobbly foot forward and nearly falls forward. Thank goodness Enya was holding onto her hands, otherwise she would have fallen on her face. "Come on baby, daddy is here!"

Sonya lets out a happy gurgle as she puts another foot forward, followed by another, determined to reach her father. Lately she had been practicing her walking, using her parents for balance or anyone else willing to hold her by the hands and help her move. Soren thought it was so cute that his little girl was working on her mobility so she could walk, knowing full well that once she perfected it she'll start trying to run after him at full speed.

“There we go! You did it!” Enya cheers as Sonya manages to take a few more wobbly steps towards her father before dropping onto his lap. “That was so good Sonya!

“You did it! You are getting much better!” Soren cooed as he picked his daughter up, earning a happy squeal from her as she was hoisted over his head. “Daddy and mama are so proud of you!”

“In a few weeks she’ll be stumbling after you when she sees you in the courtyard or hallways, I'll probably need to make a harness to keep her close and to make sure she doesn't wander."

“Aww my baby don’t need a harness, she’s too much of a good girl for that.” Soren coles as Sonya babbles and grabs for his face with her small hands. “Yes you are such a good girl, such a sweet and smart little baby! You get it from your mama and not your dumb daddy!” Enya can’t help but laugh at that comment as Sonya babbles more and kicks her little legs before being settled back onto her father’s lap.

“Ba ba ba ba!” Sonya babbles as she crawls off her father’s lap and crawled over to her mother before grabbing her skirt to try and pull herself up. “Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma!”

“Yes mama is gonna pick you up right now.” Enya cooed as she bent down to pick up her daughter. “Aww such a smart little bean, daddy is right you get it from me.”

"Okay that is not as funny when you say it." Soren mumbles with a pout as his daughter continues to babble and pull at her mother's braid.

"Because we know it's true." Enya snickered. "Now, you get back to your duties, Sonya is gonna spend some time with her grandpa and mama until you are off duty for the night."


"I miss my baby…" Soren mutters and makes a face. "Maybe I should take night shifts so I could spend the day with her, Damian says she always starts crying when I get mentioned in a conversation and starts looking around and can't find me. It's heartbreaking to know my baby is so miserable without me."

Right now he was on duty with Marcos, guarding the doors to the throne room while a meeting was going on at the moment between Ezran and some elven leaders. Normally he'd be inside at the king's side, but opted to be outside with his friend.

"Daytime shifts are better because you get to spend the evening and the early morning with your kids and spouse, that's why I always agree to take them so I can be with Sabah and our kids." Marcos responds with a shrug. "I'm sure Sonya will miss you more if you are asleep during the day because her mom is trying to make sure you get enough rest and won't nod off while on duty."

"I still do that because she wakes up crying in the middle of the night." Soren points out and stifles a yawn as if to make a point. "She's learning how to walk now, we're still working on her balance so she won't fall on her cute face. Are your kids learning how to do it too?"

"Still too little, but they figured out that crawling is the most efficient way to move and hiding under the kitchen table is the best hiding spot."

Soren smiles to himself in pride before he hears the familiar babbles of his daughter before he saw his wife come around the corner with Sonya in her arms and Amaya trotting ahead.

"And there are my favorite girls!" Soren greets as he steps forward. The second Sonya sees her father, she let out an excited squeal and starts trying to wiggle out of Enya’s arms before being put down on the floor. The toddler wobbles forward, struggling to maintain her balance. Her little brows were screwed in concentration as she slowly shifted one foot in front of the other, slowly making her way towards her father. At least once she nearly fell backwards, and would have if Amaya hadn't ran forward to brace her from behind with her side. Soren watched in amazement as Sonya starts moving a bit faster before reaching him and grabbed his leg to brace herself and looks up at him with an excited look in her eyes.

"Baba!" She yells loudly before Soren scooped her up and tossed her into the air, earning him an excited scream.

"You did so good, little Sunshine! You made it all the way to daddy!" Soren exclaims as he hugs his daughter to his chest. "You did it! When I get off his shift I'll get some jelly tarts to celebrate this joyous occasion!"

"Did I hear jelly tarts and what's the occasion?" Soren turns to find Ezran poking his head out of the doors of the throne room with Bait tucked under one arm. "I heard Sonya yelling, what happened?"

"My little sunflower can walk now!" Soren gushes as he hugs his daughter tightly. "My baby is growing up so fast!"

"Next thing we know she's riding horses, welding and sword and going on dates." Enya jokes as her husband makes a horrified face. "Hey she can't be a baby forever, she's growing up and you can't stop that."

"I'm not ready for her to be stealing hearts yet! She's still too little!"

"You can't stop her from growing up, we all have to one way or another." Ezran added with a shrug. "Alright  now that I see that nothing is wrong, I have a meeting to return to. I'll let Callum know of our niece's newest milestone."

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