Jelly Tart

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Prompt: the egg hatches

A/N: big thanks to my friend for commissioning the adorable Jelly Tart art!


"Come to bed, I know you're tired." Enya says with a yawn as she walks over to the fireplace where her husband was kneeling, shifting the logs and coals where his egg was nestled in. "The egg will be fine Soren, you need your sleep."

It had been around a week since his birthday, and since then her husband had been doing everything he could to keep his new dragon egg nice and warm, which included leaving it in the fireplace overnight and waking up to go rekindle the fire so the egg wouldn't go cold, and carrying it with him in a sling while it was bundled up in a little fleece blanket. At this point Enya was now starting to wonder if it was a mistake in giving him the egg after all, and even Sabah was having her doubts in their decision of his present.

"It's got to stay warm, otherwise the baby might die inside or come out weak." Soren insists. "At least that's what the book on dragons I found in the library said."

"The egg will be fine, you can't be losing sleep over it." Enya insists, reaching over him to grab the fire poker from his grasp. "Please, before you collapse from no sleep."

"Okay fine, because knowing you, you'd actually pry me from here and carry me back to bed." Her husband sighs as he moves to get away from the fire and gives a yawn. "Man who would have thought taking care of a baby dragon before it hatches would be so energy draining?"
"Well you said you wanted to raise a baby dragon to be our practice child, so you've gotten a taste of what being a dad is like." Enya jokes as she sticks the poker back in it's stand and follows Soren back to their bed. "You get your sleep, I'll care for the egg tonight."

"It should be hatching soon, I don't want to miss it." Soren says as he lifts the blankets so they could slip under them. "What if the dragon hatches while I'm asleep and something happens to it?"

"Nothing of the sort will happen, I promise that -


The two stop to look at the fireplace, their attention on the small red egg that was now quivering violently. Enya immediately jumps out of the bed, nearly tripping over her feet as she runs towards the fireplace with Soren at her heels. They grab two fire pokers and use them to roll the egg out of the fire, jumping back as it lands on the carpet with a hiss as it is shaking even more than before.

"What do we do? Do we have to crack it?" Soren asks in alarm as the egg shakes. "The book said nothing on what to do if it's shaking!"

"No! Treat it the way you do with other animal eggs and let it break out on its own!" Enya hisses as she grabs his arm back. "Plus that thing is still hot, you'll burn yourself! Maybe we need to get oven gloves to handle it."

As they argued, the egg gave another loud CRACK sound before they fell quiet. A small reddish-colored head soon poked out of the cracks and blinked to reveal a pair of wide green eyes staring right at them.

"Oh my goodness..." Enya murmurs as the newborn baby dragon gives a little chirp and proceeds to try and wiggle itself out of the egg.

"Aww it's so tiny!" Soren exclaims as the little dragon manages to free itself and flops onto the carpet before trying to crawl to him. "And it knows who daddy is!"

The baby dragon was about the size of a very small kitten, it had flecks of soft golden scales scattered down the sides of its neck and legs, along with some dark grey scales on its face and legs, looking like a mix of that red dragon Pyrrah and the gray and gold dragon Soren befriended after saving it. It had managed to land right onto Soren's bare feet and looked up at him with the softest green eyes he had ever seen before chirping again as if demanding he'd pick it up.

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