Chapter 1

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WARNING: triggering content ahead!! don't like don't read!!! For those that choose to read, proceed with caution if you have a history of bad experiences with topics in this book. Read at your own risk.
~ Author

Archer's POV
I lay in my bed aching all over after another attack from father. I can barely roll over without wanted to cry out in pain. This one was worse than usual and I think I know why...... mom's death anniversary is coming up. He always gets more violent around this time because he blames me for her death.

I was in the back seat of the car going to the store with mom. Today's my sixth birthday and we're going to get cake and ice cream for my birthday party. "You excited for your birthday, sweetie?" My mom asks. "Yeah! I can't wait to see everyone and open my presents." I reply, bouncing in my seat slightly. "Well I think we're gonna have a great time! And you'll get plenty of cool gifts from your friends and cousins." Mom says. I just nod happily and go back to staring out the window. After a bit of quiet, mom turns on the radio. One of my favorite songs is playing so I start bobbing my head and bouncing to the rhythm of the song. I start humming along to the words and look up to see my mom watching me in the rearview mirror. She smiles at me and then looks back at the road giggling slightly at my antics. Suddenly, I hear mom gasp and feel the car jerk to the side. Then, the car flips over and over and over again until it all comes to a stop with a load thud. I look around dazedly for mom and at our surroundings. Black spots slowly start to enter my vision. "Mom?" I call out. She doesn't answer. "Mom?" I said louder and a little scared. She still doesn't answer and everything goes black before I can call out again.
End flashback

I come back to reality when I hear something fall in the living room. Then I hear my dad grumble something and start to walk towards his room. I hold my breath as he passes my room, praying he'll leave me be for the rest of the night. I eventually hear him close his bedroom door and relax, letting out the breath I was holding and a silent thanks to whatever forces gave me a break. I roll over as quietly as possible, close my eyes, and let the darkness slowly consume me.

Authors note
Thanks to whoever is reading this! This is my first ever published story. If you will please go easy on me with updates and comments. I would appreciate it and would also love some constructive criticism on my story but anything negative WILL be deleted.
Thanks again for reading!!

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