Chapter 27

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Archer's POV
I'm so thankful that Grayson found my moms charm, I don't know what I would do if I lost it. It's the last physical piece of her I have. I look down at the charm in my hands with a thoughtful and kind of sad expression. I miss my mom so much. I wish she was still here with me. I get jolted from my thoughts by someone tapping my shoulder. I look up to see Grayson looking at me. I give him a questioning look and he motions to the teacher with his head. I look to the front of the class and see that the teacher is looking at me expectantly. "Sorry, sir. What did you ask?" I say. "I asked if you could recite part of the passage you were supposed to read for homework yesterday." My teacher replies. I hear other students snickering at my lack of attention. I grab my history book, but am stopped by my teachers voice. "I meant recite it from memory, mr. Blackwell." He says. I turn to him and smile slightly, then close my book back. "Which part of the passage would you like me to recite, sir?" I ask. He sighs and thinks for a moment. "The part of the passage on the Black Death, please, mr. Blackwell." He says. I close my eyes to think for a second. When I open my eyes I have my thoughts together and open my mouth to do as asked by my teacher. "The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was a plague that happened in Europe, Eurasia, and North Africa throughout 1346-1357. It killed 75-200 million people over the course of its time.—" I took a breath to keep answering. "That's enough, thank you, mr. Blackwell." My teacher says. I nod and look back down to my desk. I feel someone or something touch my shoulder. I look over. Grayson is still looking at the teacher so I look beside my chair to the floor. I notice a balled up piece of paper. I lean down to pick it up, then unfold it once I'm upright in my seat. It's a message from Trent. He wants me to meet him behind the school after class. Alone. I sigh. Of course he can't leave me alone for even a day. I crumple the paper back up and shove it in my school bag. I look back to the teacher just as the bell rings for lunch. I go to stand up but feel someone grab my arm. I look down and find Grayson staring at me. "We're still meeting up with Danny and going to the lunch room right?" He asks. I nod and grab my stuff off of my desk to put in my locker. Grayson follows behind me until we split up to go to our separate lockers. I shove my things into my locker and grab the things I need for my next class after lunch. Before I can close my locker and run over to Grayson I feel someone shove me into my locker. I look up to see Vince on my right, Blake on my left, and Trent behind me. "Though you could get away, archer?" Trent asks snidely. I shake my head and try to look around Trent's back to see if I can see Grayson. "What are you trying to look at? You should be worried about yourself not whatever you're looking for." Vince says. I gulp slightly. I look to Blake from the corner of my eye and see him looking at me sympathetically. I smile to him slightly to show him that I know he doesn't like this. Before I can try to spot Grayson again, I get pulled off of my locker and shoved around the corner in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. Every time Trent or Vince think I'm going too slow they give me a shove forward. One time I trip and fall, but Vince just snaps at me to get up and get moving. I try to get up quickly but loose my footing and fall back down. At this point Vince is fed up so he just grabs my arm roughly and jerks me to my feet. Once he lets go I stumble a little from the momentum but regain my balance before falling. Trent shoved me forward. Eventually we make it outside and around the back of the school. I just stand there waiting for what I know is to come. The first hit was delivered by Vince in the form of a punch to the nose. I stumble but catch myself. Next, I get thrown to the ground by Trent. Him and Vince start kicking me anywhere they can reach. I can feel a light kick or dirt being thrown over me by Blake as well. I know he doesn't wish to do this to me, he's just too scared of Trent not to participate. Eventually, they get bored and go back inside with two smug smirks and a sad frown. I just lay there. Waiting for the pain to subside. Once it does I go to stand but loose my balance and feel nauseous. I lay back down, feeling darkness begin to consume my consciousness, and just hope that Danny or Grayson find me soon. Before passing out completely.

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