Chapter 4

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Archer's POV
I was getting bored sitting here staring out the window so I decided to doodle a bit in my notebook. I decided to draw a little puppy face and a fish. I was about to doodle something else but got interrupted by Grayson. "Watch you doing?" He asks quietly. I simply shrug and start doodling again but I can feel his eyes are still on me. I look at him from the corner of my eye and note he's watching my hands with interest. I look back at my doodle and realize I partially drew him instead of a doodle. I flush and quickly close my notebook before he notices what I drew. "Why'd you stop? You're pretty good at that." He says. I look at him stunned then shrug my shoulders again. He looks at me for a bit longer then turns back to his notes. As I was about to fall asleep I heard the bell for the next class. I jump slightly then relax and start packing my stuff. I notice Grayson already left with his friends so I go to find Danny for lunch. As I turn the corner I get grabbed by someone and dragged into a supply closet. Once inside the lights turn on and I see Trent and his cronies. Before I can even say anything, Vince, punches me in the face and I drop. Soon Trent and his other goon, Blake, start kicking me where ever they can reach. After a while I'm pulled up by my hair. I groan and look back at Trent as best I can. "I think he's learned his lesson for today." One of his cronies say. Trent scoffs and punches me in the stomach before dropping me. "Yeah, for today." He says menacingly, and I shudder as they leave. After a few minutes I work up the strength to stand and walk out. I start heading to the boys bathroom when I'm suddenly grabbed again. I try to jerk away on instinct. " hey, it's just me." I hear Danny say behind me. I release a sigh of relief before turning to face him. Once he gets a look at me his eyes widen with shock then turn to rage. "Who. Did. This?" He asks darkly. I tremble a bit and his eyes soften. "Sorry." He says quietly. I try to smile and wave it off but my movements are jerky. I wince as I try to breath deeply. 'Well, looks like I may have a few bruises if not broken ribs, a black eye, and tons of bruises' I think to myself. I also taste blood in my mouth so I probably have a split lip. I tell Danny everything I've observed and he starts to panic even more, trying to get me to sit down then telling me not to and to go to the nurse instead. I laugh softly and he turns towards me to see what's so funny. "You chicken with...its head....cut off." I say wincing between words. He scoffs at me and starts to grab my arm. I tell when he pulls on it and he immediately lets go, looking at me stunned and worried. "Ok, maybe it's worse than I thought" I say breathily. He looks at me blankly then just turns and crouches so I can get on his back. "Thanks." I say as I climb on. "No problem." He says with a bit of a waver to his voice. I couldn't tell if it was anger, sadness, or strain from carrying me that caused it. It could be all three honestly. I move around a bit to get comfy on his back while he takes me to the nurses office. After a while of silence I start to get anxious and a bit bored. "Hey, what are we gonna tell the nurse?" I ask him. "We'll come up with something." He replies. I nod against his back and go quiet again. "Will you tell me everything that happened last night while we're here?" He asks suddenly. I think it over then nod against his back again. He huffs in response and pushes me further up his back. When we get to the nurses office it turns out she was one of the staff that got sick. 'Great' I think sarcastically. "I guess I'll just patch you up as best I can while you talk." Danny says, sitting me on one of the beds in the room. I nod my agreement and wince slightly at the movement. Danny walks off to grab everything he'll need then comes back. "Now. What the hell happened last night and just before I found you?" He asks sternly but kindly. " well, first off is what happened last night." I say through a sigh. I tell him about how when I got home my father was drunk and itching for something/someone to hit. About how I tried to get him off but he wouldn't stop and how I ended up passing out and waking in my room this morning. "I'm honestly surprised I don't have more bruises than this." I tell him. He looks at me sadly while wrapping up my chest and shoulder. Which we found was dislocated. I couldn't figure out which person was the reason though. My dad? Or Trent and his gang? I guess it didn't really matter now though. After Danny finished up he sat next to me and waited for the rest of what I had to tell him, so I went off into how Trent and his goons had beat me up in a supply closet.

Authors note

Hope y'all are enjoying! This'll probably be a slow update thing but I'll try to update every week if not multiple times a week! Have a good day or night lovely readers!

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