Chapter 3

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Archer's POV
Danny and I enter our first class of the day, English. Once we find our seats in the back row we decide to chat a bit before class starts. "How did practice go last night?" I asked him. "It was fine but I nearly got ran over a couple times and someone sprained their ankle." He says. I guess I forgot to mention that Danny is on the soccer team.... actually he happens to be the vice captain. "Wow! Sounds dangerous... is the guy ok?" I say back, looking at his face for any sign of pain or worry. "Yeah, he'll be fine after a couple weeks of rest. But that also means we're down a member for the next game." He replies, sighing. I nod in understanding and look at the clock behind us. Our teacher is late by 10 minutes.... I hope she's ok. As I let my mind wander off I notice my crush walk in with his buddies. I look over at him without him noticing and try to figure out if he's gay or not so I know if I have a chance.... although I've never heard of him dating anyone so maybe he's not into dating at the moment. I let my thoughts flow in and out of my head as I watch him and his friends. "-ce." "Ace." " Archer!!" I jolt slightly before realizing Danny was calling my name. "Yeah? Sorry I was lost in thought." I reply. "More like lost in Grayson land." Danny says, snickering. I whip my head towards him and give him a slight glare. He stops laughing but smirks instead. "I was trying to tell you that I wanted you to try out for that open spot on my team for the game that's coming up. The guy who got injured won't be able to play until the week after the game and we could use the help." He says with a bit of hope in his voice. I sigh. He knows I'm not good at sports not to mention most people don't want me in their team cause I'm short and lanky. I'm currently 5'2 but the last time I went to the doctor, he said I'm still growing and would probably cap out at about 5'10. So I'm relatively short for someone my age. Danny just looks at me with his puppy dog eyes and I can't help but give in even if I know it probably won't work out. "Fine! But I'm blaming you if I fail miserably." I say, sighing. He fist bumps the air and gives me a big grin and a pat on the back. "You won't regret it!" He says excitedly. I look away. 'I think I already do' I think to myself. I just knew I was gonna embarrass myself and/or Danny later. Eventually, the vice principal comes in and informs us that a few of the teachers are sick so we only have a half day and to go to whatever our next class was. I get up and start getting my things when someone bumps into me and knocks me over. I look up to see Trent and his gang. "Well, what do we have here?" He says to his cronies. "What do you want Trent?" I ask, standing up. He glared at me and grabs the collar of my shirt. "I want you out of my school is what." He says, harshly dropping me. I manage to catch myself before I fall again after he lets go. I look at the ground and try to figure out what I did to him that would make him treat me like this. Before I find the answer he and his gang walk off. I sigh and finish packing my stuff before leaving to my science class. As I step out of the door I notice Danny at his locker waiting for me. "What did they do? I saw Trent and his gang walk by smirking. They didn't hurt you did they?!" He asked panicked. "No, they didn't hurt me." I say walking to my locker. Danny follows. "Then what the hack did they do?" He asks. I don't reply right away and he starts to get impatient so he nudged my shoulder. "They just wanted to talk." I say. He looks at me carefully almost like a mother looks at her child when they lie. "Are you sure?" He asks gently. "Yeah." I reply quietly and start walking to class after closing my locker. This is one of the few classes Danny and I don't have together. He has gym while I have science. It's ok though.... I usually don't get bothered in science class. As I enter I notice someone sitting at my table. I walk over and as I get closer I realize it's Grayson. As soon as I realize I look down at the ground and curl in on myself a bit. I don't want him to realize my feelings.... that would be the worst. When I sit down he holds out his hand. "Hey! I'm Grayson! I'll be your partner this year. What's your name?" He says kindly. I look at him through my lashes and shake his hand but don't say anything. I didn't trust my voice right now to not betray my feelings. "Not much of a talker, huh?" He says rubbing his neck awkwardly. I sigh and shake my head no. He laughs slightly before getting out his textbook, notebook, and pencil. I do the same and then stare out the window in silence.

Authors note

Hope you guys are enjoying! Have a great day or night!

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