Chapter 11

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Grayson's POV
I tried all day to get a chance to talk to archer or even Daniel but I couldn't seem to get a break. I'm at practice and can't seem to focus so my coach put me on the bench to cool off. I watch my team mates and make mental notes of what they could work on personally. My coach walks over and sits down, staring at me. "What's up, coach?" I ask. He stares a bit more before turning back to watch the others. "You seem distracted today. What's going on?" He says. I look down and think of what to tell him. "If it's something personal, you don't have to tell me. But maybe you should tell a friend or your parents to get it off your chest." He suddenly says, and gets up to go scold one of the players for being too rough. I think it over and decide to try and catch Daniel after his practice. Once I was done with practice for the day I changed and packed up my stuff before running out of the gym to find Daniel. I just barely spot his head turning a corner and run after him. "Daniel!" I tell his name to get his attention. He stops and looks back at me. As I approach he turns to me fully. "What do you need, Grayson?" He ask. "I wanted to talk to you. Do you have time?" I ask nervously. "Yeah I got a bit of time. Just let me call my buddy and tell him I'm gonna be a little late and to wait for me in my car." He says. I nod and he walks off a little. After a few minutes I see him smile at his phone and laugh a little before he comes back over to me. "Turns out he's in the library studying anyway, the nerd." He says fondly. I laugh softly and start walking with him over to a bench. "So I have a few questions about a boy I saw you with earlier today." I say. He stiffens and looks at me with guarded eyes. "Who? And what about him?" He asks stiffly. I'm a little taken aback by the change in attitude but shake it off and ask my questions. "His name is archer. I was just wondering about him is all. He's caught my interest." I say. He stares at me for a second and then sighs. "What do you wanna know?" He asks. I smile slightly at him, trying to make him a little more at ease. "I was wondering why he's alone all the time, plus I ran into him getting bullied by someone I didn't recognize this morning." I say as my first question. Daniel gets a dark look over his eyes and clenches his fists. "He's always alone because he doesn't like people much and it doesn't really help when he gets harassed by guys like the one you saw earlier." He says tightly. I nod and ask my next question. "We have a class together but he never talks to me in class. Why?" I ask. He looks down and seems to be thinking about what to say before looking back up at me. "He's always been really shy, so when he meets new people he often clams up and won't talk to them until he feels comfortable with them." He explains, which I guess makes since. I nod again and think of what else to ask. Before I get the chance both our phones start ringing. I pull mine out of my pocket to see who it is and see him do the same out of the corner of my eye. It's my dad. "I gotta take this." We say at the same time. We laugh and say our goodbyes before answering our phones and walking away from each other. "What's up, dad?" I ask. "Where are you?!" He asks panicked. I still my movements immediately. "I'm at school. Dad, what's going on?" I say, getting worried. He sighs over the phone. "Your sister is sick. I need to take her to the doctor but your brother won't stop crying and I can't just leave him by himself. I need you to get home quick." He says. I tell him I'm on my way and hang up. I run to my car and drive home as quick as I can while I sting the law. When I get there I can here my brother crying inside. I run to the door and inside my house where I see my dad trying to calm down my brother while getting my sister ready to go to the doctor. I hurry over and tell him I've got it. He nods, gives me a hug, then runs out the door to the car.


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