Chapter 13

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Archer's POV
After my long day at school I decided to go to the school's library to read, relax, and study a bit, while I waited for Danny to finish practice since he refused to let me walk home alone today. As I was about to start studying for my history test, I got a message from Danny on my phone. I look at. He's just letting me know it might be a bit longer before he can come get me. I tell him that's fine and that I was studying in the library anyway. He calls me a nerd jokingly then said he'd be here as soon as possible.  Right as I'm about to finish with the last bit of studying I needed, Trent and Vince walk in. I try to hide it at least make myself less noticeable but it doesn't seem to work because they come right over to me.
"What do you guys want?" I ask meekly. Trent scoffs and grabs my shirt collar. "What we want is a punching bag." He says, and without warning,Vince, punches me in the jaw. I cry out and start to stumble side ways because Trent let go of my shirt as I was hit. Trent turns  to me and kicks my knee, causing me to kneel on the floor. Next thing I know, I'm beating pummeled to the floor by both of them and once on the floor they start kicking me in the ribs and back. At some point one of them steps on my ankle and I cry out even louder from the pain.
After they stepped in me they got scared because of how loud I yelled and ran off. Once they were gone I waited a minute to catch my breath and called Danny. He answered on the second ring. "What's up?" He asks. I just breath into the speaker for a second. "Ace?" He asks, getting worried. "I.... need..... your help." I struggle to say and groan at the end. He says he's on his way and hangs up. I lay there just breathing, waiting for Danny. About 30 minutes later he comes running through the library doors. "Ace?! Where are you?!" He yells. "" I say as loud as I can. He seems to pinpoint where I am pretty easily and rushes over. Once he sees me he becomes panicked. He starts hovering over me and asking stupid questions. "Danny." I say. He stops and stares at me. "You need to calm down so you can actually help me." I say, breathily. He nods and calms down a little. "What do you need me to do?" He asks. I try to go through all the injuries I can feel. I have multiple large bruises along my ribs, stomach, and back. I have a busted lip and a possibly sprained or fractured ankle. I probably have a concussion too. I relay all this to Danny and he starts thinking about what to do to get me home and patched up. "Ok. I think I got it." He says. I nod for him to continue. "I can take you to my house since it's Friday. I have all kinds of medical stuff at home, plus, my dads a medic." He says. I think about it. It really seems like the best and only option right now. I tell Danny as much and he gently picks me up to take me to his car. Once there he struggles to open the back door of the car. I wiggle in his hold to get his attention and have him set me down so he could open the door. He's hesitant at first but eventually complies and leans me against his car. Once he has the door open he tells me to lay down in the backseat but to not fall asleep in case I have a concussion. I wave him off and lay down. He accepts the gesture, closes the door, hops in the driver seat, and calls his parents to let them know he's bringing a friend, home who might need some medical attention. They seemed hesitant and worried about who I was but agreed to it nonetheless. After that was settled, Danny drove us to his house, making sure I stayed awake the whole time. Once we got there I heard him open his door and he started talking to someone. After a few minutes my door was opened and I was gently lifted out by someone other than Danny. I looked at the persons face and noticed it was a man who looked like an older version of Danny, his dad. Danny continued to talk to me to keep me awake and we were brought inside his house where I was soon put down on a couch.

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