Chapter 7

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TRIGGER WARNING AHEAD!! read at your own risk or skip it. I will place warnings before and after the events.
~ Author
Archer's POV
When I woke up the next morning something seemed off but I couldn't put my fingers on it. I slowly sat up and stretched, then went to the bathroom to do my daily routine. Once done, I walked back to my room as quietly as possible. I changed and got ready for school, then went to the kitchen to fix my father some breakfast. As I was grabbing ingredients for french toast I realized what seemed to be off when I woke. I hadn't seen nor heard my father at all. Just as I realized that, I heard the floor squeak behind me.
I whipped around to be punched in the stomach. As I doubled over I got a knee to the face and dropped to the floor. I didn't even try to fight, knowing it would make it worse in the end. My father stood over me smirking. "What? Not gonna fight back kid?" He sneers down at me. I don't reply. His smirk turns to an irritated scowl and he kicks me in the head. I groan at the impact, then whimper at the pain running through me. He scoffs, then grabs me by the hair and drags me into the living room, smacking my head against the floor when he drops me. "Get up and fight, wimp!" He yells at me. I only look at him for a second before trying to sit up. As I sit up, he starts punching me in the face repeatedly. When he finally stops I can tell I have a black eye plus bad bruises and a broken nose and rib, seeing as it hurt to take a deep breath, and my nose was crooked. He lifted my head up by my hair and I winced. "Such a useless, disappointing, wimp of a son my wife has left me. I can't even stand to look at you. You're the reason I'm alone! It's your fault my wife is dead!!" He starts off quiet and ends up yelling at me, before kicking me one last time and then leavening me alone and walking out the door.
Once I realized he was gone I slowly stood up before heading to my room to call the principal of my school and tell him I wasn't going to attend today. Once that was done I called Danny. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey, Danny." I say in a raspy, quiet voice. "You good, dude? You sound awful." He asks. "Not really, but don't worry. Also I won't be at school today so could you bring me my homework?" I reply. "Sure. But why aren't you gonna be at school?" He asked, worried for me. "I'll tell you when you bring my homework later, ok?" I say. "Yeah, ok." He replies, hesitantly. I hang up on him and go to take care of my wounds as best I can. I start by wrapping my cuts, then move on to setting my nose. Which hurt like heck. I had to bite my tongue to keep from hollering when I put my nose back where it was supposed to be. After that, I decide to try and ice any of the visible bruises and my black eye. Once I was done, I went back to my room to relax as best as I could with all the pain, and ended up falling asleep. The next time I woke up it was to someone ringing the doorbell. I yawned, stretched, then groaned as I felt my pain come back to me from stretching. The person at the door rings the bell again and I tell that I was coming to get the to stop since I had a splitting headache. As I got to the door and opened it slightly to look out I found it was Danny at the door. "Hey, Danny." I say to him. He looks at me and gasps before trying to shove his way in to get a better look at me. I let him in and he eyes me, accessing my injuries. "What the heck happened? You look like you were hit by a truck or something!" He exclaims. "Yeah, a truck I call father." I mumble, and scoff at myself, but apparently he heard me. "THIS WAS YOUR DADS DOING?!" He yells, and I wince at the noise. His face softens slightly when he sees me wince. "Sorry." He says. I nod and wave him off, saying it was fine. He then repeats his question and I nod hesitantly. His face becomes one of rage and I step back a little. "Why don't you do anything about this?" He asks, not unkindly. "Because he's all I have. Not to mention going to the authorities just makes it worse and possibly public." I reply, calmly. He nods in understanding but still gives me a look of disbelief at me still considering him family. "I don't agree with you staying here anymore. I think you should come stay with me for a while." He says anxiously. I think it over. "I don't think I can." I tell him. "Why not?" He asks, exasperated. "Because my father just pulled up outside and you need to leave. Like, now." I say. Hurriedly pushing him into my room and out my window before going to greet my father at the door.

Authors note
Thanks guys for reading!! Hope y'all enjoy! Have a great day or night and please continue to read and support me!!

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