Chapter 10

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Grayson's POV
The next morning, I woke up to my alarm clock. Groaning, I rolled over and smacked it to turn it off. I sat up groggily and headed to the bathroom to shower. After my shower I got dressed for school and did my daily routine before walking to the kitchen to say goodbye to my dad and grab some toast or something for breakfast. "Hey, dad." I say in greeting. "Morning, Grayson!" He exclaims and turns to look at me. I smile at him glad that nothing changed after our talk last night. "Did you sleep well?" He asks. I hum and nod as I search for something quick to eat. I eventually find an apple and grab that before saying my goodbyes and heading to school. On my way there I notice these four boys talking across the road from me. One of them seems to be scared though and is a lot smaller than the other three. I watch for a second before noticing the smaller boy starts trembling and backing away. Red flags go off in my head saying something was wrong with that situation. Just as I was about to go over to them, the smaller one bolts away to fast for the others to catch and they start chasing him. I run down my side of the road keeping an eye on the three. I see them enter my school and notice the smaller boy isn't anywhere in sight. I'm glad he got away. I slow down and walk into the school. As I'm getting my things out of my locker I hear a thump and a groan so small I almost missed it. I turn around to see archer being held against the wall by one of the boys from earlier. They're to far away for me to hear what their saying but archer doesn't seem ok with this guy. I walk over and tap him on the shoulder. "What?!" He snaps at me over his shoulder. "Let him go. Now." I say in a menacing tone. The boy holding archer turns to me and drops archer immediately. "Oh. Hey, Grayson. I didn't know you knew him." He says nervously. "Well I do. So beat it." I say. He nods and runs off to his buddies. "You ok, archer?" I ask, directing my attention to the boy in front of me. "Yeah, fine." He says curtly. I look at him curiously but don't ask further. "I guess I'll see you in science class then?" I say as more of a question than a statement. He just nods and walks to his locker where I see Daniel walk up to him. 'They must be friends' I think as I see archer smile at him. I get a little jealous when he smiles at Daniel but I understand they're probably just friends. I walk back to my locker and finish sorting out my books for first period, history. Once done I walk to class, find my seat, and sit down before getting my history work and textbook out. As time pass through class, I catch myself daydreaming about archer. 'I really need to talk to him. Maybe I can catch him at lunch' I think. I hear the bell ring for the end of class and start packing my things. Once done I walk out and spot Daniel and archer talking in the hallway. I start to walk over but get distracted by one of the cheerleaders grabbing my arm and pulling me towards her friends. I sigh and put on a tight smile. "What do you girls need?" I ask. They giggle and start grabbing at me again. I back up slightly. "We just wanted to talk to you." One says sweetly with a small frown from me backing away. "Well sorry to disappoint but I'm rather busy at the moment." I say, exasperated. "Why do you never spend time with us?" Another girl asks. 'Because I can't stand you all' I think but don't say aloud. "I'm just busy a lot." I say. "Well when aren't you busy? You can make it up to us by hanging out with us then." The lead cheerleader says. I sigh. 'I really don't want to spend any time at all with you grabby, sex driven, lunatics" I think heatedly to myself. "I don't know. I have the basketball team, I've gotta keep my grades up, I help my dad with my siblings at home, and a whole bunch of other stuff." I say, slightly irritated. She scoffs in my face and then calls all the girls to follow her since I wasn't 'being fun'. I roll my eyes and turn back around to go find archer and Daniel but can't see them. I sigh at my missed opportunity and head to my next class, disappointed.

Authors note
Hope y'all are enjoying! Have a great day or night! Surprise! I published twice lol!

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