Chapter 9

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Grayson's POV
I walk home quickly, after seeing archer in the cemetery. I don't know what's wrong with me though. I can't stop thinking about his laugh, or his beautiful blue eyes, or even the tiny smile he gave me as he left. 'What is wrong with me? Am I gay? I don't think I am?' I say to myself. As I walk up to my front door, my little sister and brother leap out of the door and latch onto my leg or arm. "What are you little rascals doing?" I ask jokingly. "We've caught you!" My little sister says. I smile down at her and ask what I needed to be caught for. "Because you didn't play with us like you promised!" My little brother says, pouting. I bend down to their level and apologize, telling them I got distracted and lost track of time while I was out. They smile at me and then bolt in the house to yell at my dad that I was home. I shake my head softly and snicker at their antics. As I walk to the living room I hear my dad call me. "Yeah, dad?" I ask. "What took you so long to get home?" He asks. "Oh. I ran into a classmate of mine while I was out and we started talking. I just lost track of time." I say. "Was this classmate a girl?" He asks suggestively, easing an eyebrow. "NO!" I yell, becoming flustered and embarrassed as I try to tell him what actually happened. "It was a loner boy from class. I happen to be his science partner this year and he didn't really talk much to me during class yesterday so when I ran into him I decided to try and be friendly with him." I say quickly, trying to explain as best as I could with how flustered I was. My father just looks at me for a second, then hums. 'What does that mean?' I ask myself. "Fine. Whatever you say." He says, smirking a little. I give him questioning look but he doesn't elaborate and instead walks into his room and closes the door. I scratch my head, a little confused, before just walking to my room. Once I get settled in my room I begin my homework. I try hard to focus but my mind keeps wandering to Archer. His laugh. His smile. His soft voice. I can't seem to get them to leave my head. I sigh in frustration. Deciding I'd make better progress with my school work after talking to my dad about, it I stood to go to his room. When I knocked on his door I heard a soft "come in" and opened the door. I walked right up to my dad and stared at him for a moment. "Can I help you with something?" He asked. "I need to talk to you about something.... but I'm really nervous about how you'll take it." I say. "Okay. What is it?" He asks gently. "Well.... it's about the boy I was talking about earlier." I start. He hums for me to continue. "I can't stop thinking about him and I don't know why." I say slowly. He just looks at me for a moment. "What do you think or feel about him?" He asks. "I don't really know how I feel about him. But I can't stop thinking about things like his eyes, or his smile, or even his laugh and it's starting to frustrate me because I can't figure out why." I explain. He nods and hums, then goes quiet for a while. "Who is this boy?" He asks. I tell home what I know. He nods slightly before getting up and hugging me. I stand there stunned and surprised for a second then wrap my arms around him too. After a minute he pulls away and looks me directly in the eye. "What is it, dad?" I ask, worried what was going on. "I think I know what's happening." He says. My eyes widen and I ask him what it is. "You like him." He states calmly. I look at him confused. "What do you mean 'like' him?" I ask. He sighs. "You have feelings for him but didn't realize till you met with him earlier." He says slowly. I blankly look at him for a second and then everything clicks. 'Oh. My. God. I like archer' I think to myself. "But doesn't that mean I'm gay?" I ask him. "Yeah, it does" he replies. "That doesn't bother you? You're ok with it?" I ask nervously. He laughs a little. "Of course it's fine. Your my son. Always have been and always will be no matter your sexual orientation." He says reassuringly, with a smile. I smile back and hug him before thanking him, then going back to my room to finish my homework. 'I hope I get to see archer tomorrow so I can tell him how I feel' I think to myself excitedly before finishing my homework and going to bed.

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