Chapter 5

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Archer's POV
After I told Danny about Trent, he lost it. "What the heck gives them the right to do crap like that?!" He rants. "They need to be taught a lesson." He says, calming slightly. I look at him a little worried what he might do but before I can ask the bell rings for our next to last class. 'Huh, I guess we lost track of time' I think. The last class I had was gym. I groaned as I remembered that. Danny looked at me weird and asked what was wrong. "I have gym next." I say to him. He gives me an oh look and then smirks. I sweat slightly wondering what he's planning. "Why don't we skip? It seems we already missed 2 classes and lunch anyway." He says thoughtfully while smirking. I think it through and decide it's worth the risk even if I'll get in trouble later. "Sure." I say. He smiles and pulls me up gently from the bed we sat on. We walked out of the nurses room, down the hall and out the front doors with ease. Although I seemed to jump at any sound I heard that wasn't us. Danny laughed softly to himself as we walked but he was watching me so I assume he was laughing at me. I glared playfully at him. He just smiles at me and keeps walking. I look around us at our surroundings. Something catches my eye in the trees and I stop walking to look closer. "Hey Danny, do you see that?" I ask, not looking at him. I hear shuffling then see him come next to me to look at what I see. He squints then takes a step forward and stops. I look at his face and freeze..... he looks uncertain. I quickly look back at whatever it was only to be hit with something small in the eye. I cry out and stumble but before I fall Danny catches me asking what happened. I don't answer only groan, squeeze my eyes shut, and put a hand over the eye that was hit. Danny takes that as enough of a reason to be worried and picks me up to take me somewhere farther away from whatever it was that hit me. As he sat me down near the fountain in the school yard I groaned again....his jogging had given me a headache. "Are you ok? What hit you?" He asks hurriedly, worry lacing his voice. "I think I'm ok. But I don't know what exactly hit me. I just know it was small, fast, and hurt like heck." I reply. He looks around to see if something or someone was around and then back at me before asking to see my eye. I lowered my hand slowly and heard him gasp before feeling light pressure on my eyelid. I winced a little at the touch and he apologized. I tried to open my eye but it burned when I tried so I ended up just closing it back. "I don't think I can open my eye." I told him. He looked at me anxiously, then tried to help me open my eye again. It burned but was tolerable so I continued to let him help me. Once my eye was open I noticed I couldn't see very well from it. Everything was blurry. I told Danny as much and he sighed worriedly before helping me up and guiding me to the principles office. We got to the secretaries desk and told her what happened and that we needed to be excused to the hospital. After she quickly checked on me to make sure we were telling the truth she signed us out and let us go to the hospital. Once there we did all the paperwork needed and wait a few minutes before being called back. As we waited for the doctor I noticed Danny was fidgeting a lot. "Shouldn't I be the nervous one?" I say teasingly at him. He looks at me and seems to relax a little before laughing quietly. "I suppose so, but I have a major issue with doctors so this isn't really fun for me." He replies. My smile drops and I look at him apologetically. He smiles and shakes his head to say he was fine. After that the doctor walks in and we tell him what's wrong. He examines my eye and asks what my symptoms were. "I can't see very well from it, it's itching, and it burns to open it." I tell him honestly. He seems to think this over then says that it isn't anything to worry about and it's not permanent but that I need to keep my eye closed and covered until this weekend. So I counted the days and realized I would need to cover my eye for 4-5 days. I sighed and looked at Danny then back at the doctor. I muttered my understanding and we left. "Sorry Danny, looks like I'll have to wait till next week to tryout for that spot on your team." I say sadly. I was kinda excited for it even if I didn't show it. "It's ok. Your health is more important than some stupid soccer game." He says firmly but kindly. I smile at him slightly then realize I would have to go home where my dad had probably gotten himself drunk and I would probably get a beating. My smile fell and I sighed through my nose but didn't say anything to Danny before we split up to go to our houses.

Authors note
Hope all my readers enjoy! Have a blessed and wonderful day or night! Also! I'll try to update every day except the weekends or maybe opposite! So just bare with me!

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