Chapter 26

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Grayson's POV
After passing the notebook back to archer, I see him smile and write a quick thank you. I smile. I'm glad I know his story now. I want to help him, but I don't think it's just because I have a crush on him. He's a nice, silly, funny, amazing boy. I get lost in my thoughts before being jolted back to reality by the end of class bell. I just realized I wasn't paying attention so I have no idea what we're doing. I look over to ask archer if I can use his notes but he's already up and walking out the door. I sigh. Oh well, I'll just ask him at lunch. I pack up my stuff and look back at my desk to make sure I didn't miss anything when I notice something laying on archer's desk. It looked like a charm or something. I gently picked it up and examine it. It's a pair of hands folded holding a tiny, fake, blue gem. I think it might be important to him and decide to try to catch up to return it. Once I head out the class door, I can't find archer anywhere, but I do spot Danny. I jog over to him and call his name to get his attention. As he looks up, he waves at me. I wave back and slow down once I get closer. "Hey dude. What's up?" Danny asks. "Hey! I found this on archer's desk and wanted to give it back but couldn't find him." I say, showing him the charm. His eyes widen slightly and he gently picks the charm up out of my hand. "He still has it." He says quietly. I wonder what's so special about it. Danny seems to snap out of whatever thought he was having, and looks back at me. "This is important to archer. It's one of the only charms, from his moms favorite bracelet, that survived the car crash." He says. My eyes widen and then my gaze softens as I look at the charm and realize it's meaning. "Well should I let you give it back to him, or do you think he'd be ok to get it back from me?" I ask Danny. He sighs and turns the charm over in his hand. "It would probably be best to get it back to him as soon as possible." He says. "What's your next class?" I ask. "It's social studies, I'm pretty sure." He says, kinda unsure. "Ok. That means archer's next class is with me. We both have history next." I say. He hands the charm back carefully. "Alright well we should be headed off to class. See you at lunch?" He asks. I nod and head off to class. Once I get there I see archer looking through his pockets and backpack with a panicked face. I hurry over. "Are you looking for this?" I ask, holding up the charm. He looks over and nods gratefully, before carefully grabbing the charm from me. "I found it on your desk in our last class as I was packing up my stuff." I say. He smiles and gives me a thankful look. I smile back. We get situated in our seats and listen to the long, boring lecture from our teacher.
Authors note ~
Sorry about the shorter chapter.... I'm having some writers block so I got a little discouraged. Thanks to all those who are or have read my book so far! Hope you have a great day/night!

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