Chapter 16

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Archer's POV
The next morning, I wake up first. I yawn and stretch a little, before looking back over at Danny. He looks so vulnerable and peaceful when he sleeps. I understand that sounds creepy, but, I'm allowed to say it because I'm his gay best friend. I poke his cheek and he groans but doesn't wake up. I giggle to myself and get up to get ready for school. I. Realize I don't have a change of clothes so I'll have to borrow some of Danny's. I walk to his closet and find some clothes that look like they might fit me. I slip them on and just as I was finishing I hear his alarm clock go off. I walk out of his closet and just watch as he rolls over and turns it off. He starts to go back to sleep but I run over and jump on him to wake him back up. As I land in him he gasps and whips his head around to see what was in him. When he realizes it's me, he smirks and shoved me off of himself. This causes me to fall on my butt and he laughs his ass off at my pouting face. I get up with a huff and give him the finger as I walk out his bedroom door and to the kitchen where I find his mom cooking breakfast. She turns when she hears me approaching and smiles. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" She asks. I smile back and tell her I slept fine. Right as I sat down at the counter I hear Danny coming down the stairs. I look over at him and try not to laugh. His hair is all frizzy and wild looking. He looks like he just got in a fight with a blow dryer. He slumps in his seat next to me after greeting his mom and kissing her cheek. She smiles at him and finishes up breakfast before platting it and sitting it in front of us. We both grab our forks and dig in. After breakfast I check the time and realize we have 30 minutes to get to school. I tell Danny and we both start hurrying to get our shoes on and get our school stuff together. Once we were ready we rushed to his car and got to school as quickly as possible. We got in the door just before the first warning bell and started running to class, not even bothering to stop by our lockers yet. We get to class and in our seats right before the teacher walks in. I sigh in relief. I pull my stuff out of my bag before getting hit in the head with a crumpled piece of paper. I look at it weirdly and unfold the paper. I look at it and read through what it says. I can tell it's probably from Trent. 'Go die in a ditch. Or better yet just dissapear'. It reads. I crumple it back up feeling my eyes water and lay my head on my desk till the end of class. At the end of class I quickly grab my stuff and walk to my locker. I sort through what I need for my next class and put everything else in my locker. I was almost done when I saw Danny come up to me out of the corner of my eye. "Hey, what did Trent hit you with in class?" He asks. I grab the paper out of the bottom of my locker and hand it to him. He reads it and I see his face scrunch up in anger. He balls the paper back up and throws it on the floor before stomping on it. I just watch him co this with a blank face. He huffs and picks it back up before throwing it in the trash can near us. "He's a douche." He says, pissed off. I nod slightly before closing my locker and just watching Danny for a second. After a few minutes he calms down some and runs his hands through his hair. He looks at me from the corner of his eye. "I guess you'll finally be able to get rid of that eyepatch tomorrow." He says. I look confused for a second then notice the difference in my vision and remember about my eye being injured. I sigh and nod at him while touching the eyepatch. "Wanna come watch me practice after school today?" He asks. I think about it and nod, smiling slightly. He smiles back and we head our separate ways for class. I get to the science class room and suddenly remember that my crush is my partner this year. I groan and walk in. I sit silently in my seat and stare out the window. I hear Grayson take his seat and look over at him slightly. He seems tired and he looks kinda pale. I hope he's ok.
Authors note
Hey guys! I'm back! Hope y'all are enjoying!! Thanks again for reading!

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