Chapter 25

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Archer's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling somewhat rested. I opened my eyes to see a grey shirt and human chest. I snapped awake and sat up to look at where I was. I had apparently moved in my sleep and was laid on top of Danny's chest. I groaned quietly. I looked over at his alarm clock and realized we had about an hour to get ready for school. I shook Danny's shoulder and he grumbled but didn't wake up. I huffed. "Danny. Danny, wake up. We have an hour before school." I said. He groaned and woke up. We both got up and got ready making sure we had all of our homework and stuff in our bags before going to eat breakfast. On our way out I smelled bacon and my mouth started
watering. We got to the kitchen and found Danny's mom and dad awake. "Morning." Danny greeted. His parents looked up and greeted us too. "How did you guys sleep?" Danny's mom asked. "Fine." Danny says. I pull out a seat at the bar in the middle of their kitchen and wait patiently for the food to be done. Once it's done, Danny's mom serves everyone some food and we chow down. After we're done, Danny and I realize we have 20 minutes to get to school or we'll be late. We scramble to get our bags from his room and get our shoes on, before running to his car and getting in. We set out to school as quickly as we can and arrive in just enough time to hear the first warning bell. We head to our first class and get seated right as our teacher walks in. I get my stuff out and realize I forgot to answer the last 2 questions on our homework for this class last night. I sigh. Once class is over I walk up to my teachers desk like everyone else who was turning in their work. "May I turn my work in a little later?" I ask timidly. My teacher looks up at me. "Why would you need to do that?" She asks. "Well I noticed I didn't fully complete it last night and thought I'd ask if I could turn it in on my free period." I say. She hums while thinking. "Ok." She says. I smile and go to thank her but she puts her hand up before I can. "I'm only agreeing because this is the first time this has happened from you. As long as you get it on my desk before the end of the day and we agree it never happens again, I'll accept the late entry." She says seriously. I nod vehemently and walk out with a smile. I'm on my way to my locker when I feel someone grab my arm. I immediately tense but relax slightly once I realize it was Grayson. "Hey!" He says. I just smile and nod at him. He lets my arm go and we continue to walk to my locker. "So you wanna meet up for lunch again?" He asks. I think about it for a second and then nod. He smiles and laughs lightly. "Good! I'm glad! Can't wait!" He says. I smile at him and then happen to notice Vince walking towards us. My smile drops and I look at the floor as he approaches us. "Hey Grayson! What are you doing talking to this loser?" He asks with a sneer. I tremble slightly and curl into myself. "I don't know what you're talking about, Vince. I was just having a chat with my friend." Grayson says tensely. Vince looks at Grayson like he lost his mind then turns back to me. "You can't seriously be friends with this freak." He says and scowls. Grayson seems to be getting pissed off at this point. "So what if I am?" He challenges. Vince whips his head around and gives Grayson a look of disbelief. Vince then looks at me and scowls before walking off but not forgetting to shoulder bump me into the lockers first. I wince as my shoulder is jabbed into the handle and lock of the locker door next to me. Grayson stares at Vince's retreating back, and once he's out of sight, looks back at me. "You ok?" He asks. I nod and rub my shoulder. Grayson looked like he was gonna ask something but the bell for our next class rang and we hurried off to class. Once we got seated and the things we needed out, I grabbed my notebook and wrote, asking him what he was gonna ask, then slid my notebook over to him. Once he read what I had written, he laughed quietly and picked up his pencil to write a reply. When he was done writing he slid my notebook back to me. I looked down and read his message. 'I wasn't gonna ask anything. I was gonna tell you that I had your back against Trent and others from now on.' He had written. I smiled to myself and wrote a quick thank you to show him before our teacher walked into class.

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