Chapter Two - Secret Feelings

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A loud thud, begging cries and a cursing yell echos in an empty classroom of Amatayakul International Academy. Kitty together with her group of friends gathered to punish merciless the innocent who was kneeling and bowing towards them to stop the torture. A silent whimper, swelling lips and aching knee accompanied with fast thumping of her heartbeat towers the ever loving kind daughter of Manoban.

Early in a morning, Lisa quietly walk to hallways going to her favorite spot to study first, and it was stoped of annoyed Mario Maurer. Dragging her to empty classroom where Kitty and others was waiting to bruise her non stop.

Her life was like this since the incident during her 6th grade. She hoped that everything past so fast. Counting the years. For her, the last 3 remaining years to endure is painful but she was willing to accept everything.

Going back to the situation in empty classroom:

"I warned you before to stop pestering me. Stop clinging to Isabela, don't be too full of yourself in class, always remember you're not belong here."Mario yells while gripping Lisa's collar. The rest just shrug there shoulders. They seem to uninterested with the sight but loving the fact that they can play to there victim.

Mario Maurer, since he transferred, Isabella catches his attention but seems she was not interested to him because he was too arrogant, the all-know man, a genius to his own world and a playboy. For Isabela that was a no-no and truth to be told she was only interested to Lisa.
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Bambam POV

Walking lazily in this empty hallway. I was really slightly mad to Lisa. I told her that we will come together here but when I went to there rented house, she was not there already and I've been told that she was on her way to school 20 minutes ago. Roaming around the campus this early morning was the least thing I'd done if not because of this monkey cousin of mine. But my thoughts of contemplation to just wait her to our classroom was interrupted by loud chatters and a crying innocent. Wait, looks like that was my cousin. Tsk, I know right. There was nothing new here. Just because she was a scholar of the owner of this school, contemplates her to report this kind of incidents and she told me not to interfere because she doesn't want her father to suffer unemployment and also assured me that she was thankful because she was still alive up to these days. Funny right? Yeah, that was my cousin. I felt sorry for her. Not only in school but a lot of harsh things she endured especially from my Mom. Hssss, okay okay reader I'll stop being a drama king here for now, I need to play a card as a Super Hero. He he -..-

Storming to the noises having no second thoughts. My presence stop Mario of his antics. They know what my family can do. Thankful because they don't have any idea of my Mom and Lisa relationship. So I played with that power to protect my cousin. Here she is, still begging and my heart burn with her pleadings despite being the one who was innocent.

One look unto them, instantly a rush pairs of foot ran to exit leaving me and my cousin. I abruptly help her stand. Thanking me to saving her ass again is a warm feeling. This was only thing I've done to her. But she doesn't know I have a surprise to her birthday.

In Kim International School-Seoul a group of friends bully these nerd who was bowing to them. Nancy Mcdonie, a nerd, an academic achiever who was been the apple of the eye to Jennie Ruby Jane Kim in terms of bullying. Her group of friends love to second handed her to this act but of course life would be unfair if nothing was against her. Yeri Kim, her cousin. One of those and she definitely describe her as her villain. Yeri was very particular not to approved this attitude of Jennie.

Yeri, stand steadily in between of Jennie and Nancy. So the latter just rolled her eyes and make a mocking sound. Leaving with a slight kick to nerd is her way to avoid the bickering situation.

Among the three cousins, the twins, Jisso and Dahyun, have there on world, so the thick atmosphere situation of the two is not in there list of concern. The twins was always busy with playing online games. Yeri was friended with Nancy of course. The two of them always enjoy wasting time in library, eating together, and study sleepovers.

Jennie on the other hand loved to attend parties, bullies anyone she wants, spending too much in shoppings, leading non recreational social gatherings. But being like that doesn't make her a horny teenager who just love to fucking around. She was preserved, for her, she was saving it to the right one.

"Hey bitch, Jongin aka Kai give you these, why not give him a chance were on 10th grade already"Irene handed Jennie a letter and chocolate with usual eye rolls and mocking tone

Nayeon and the rest smiles dreamily in-love because there friend was really lucky. Kai, a dancer and had many girls tailing on his back, ready to bite and spread there legs for him.

Jennie just scoffs and rolled her eyes. She really appreciated the effort. Yes she tried, really, to give him a chance but it doesn't work.

"Really Jen, you have to try to experience how it feels"Jihyo sounded like having a double meaning. If you know what I mean. For Jihyo, experience is the best while you were young, so giving her virginity to her 1st boyfriend is not a big deal for her.

"Yeah whatever"annoyed sound comes out from Jennie. But her response was resulted by high pitch laughters of the rest. For her friends, annoying her during her bitch mode is a killing way of the thickness and heaviness that surrounding them.

Back to Amatayakul International Academy.

Later after that day class ends. Isabella met Lisa in locker room. During there 10th grade. Isabella and Bambam were in same class living Lisa to other class. This year and onwards the new school's mandated enforcement of law separated the three. Scholars are combined in 1 section while socialites was given extra special.

"What happened to your face"Isabella with concerned looked checking Lisa's perfect face

"Hmm...mmm I....i just slipped on our bathroom"Lisa answered stuttering because of the spaces of there faces is too close causing her heart to rattles non stop.

"Lisa, I know your lying!"Flicking her forehead with an authoritative tone.

"Yeah, yeah, yes Sabbing"cute tone while scratching the back of her head. Lisa always do this. Calling her with the nickname she made can stop Isabella complaining and pursuing her to know something because even she knows there's nothing good to happen.

"Tssssssss"Isabella with playfully annoyed sound but was smiling inside because of Lisa's cuteness. Loving the childish nickname warms and gentle touch her non describable feeling towards the giant monkey. Forming a tint of red to her checks. She hurried to ran exit and go home leaving Lisa with laughters.

Lisa knows arguments stoped not giving her hard time to explain. He he

'How cute Isabella, I am attracted with the cute girl. But I can't. Even how much I love your presence but I love my cousin more.' Lisa's shrug her shoulders with that thought.

Not far from the two sweet moments. Kitty was about to past by them but she decided to eavesdrop to that sweet lovey dovey interaction. She even captured pictures and videos of the two and sending it to group-chat.

After receiving those pictures and video. A rage of hate forms to Mario's mind, body and soul. Plotting plans how to punish his captive innocent soon. But instead of violence, he has a better idea.

'Why not hurt her in emotion way? Right that was it.' Mario was proud of his self with said evil plans.

He was crazily laughing with his plans and ready to share to group.

'See you soon Manoban. Hahahaha' an evil smiling while drinking his beer.

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