Chapter Sixteen - Life Choice 1

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Lisa POV

A while ago, I am just laughing with my friends and they were practically teasing me with the text message Dahyun read it aloud.

"What are you waiting bro, a chick is coming right after you, just bite it before snake comes first"Bam said. I know what he meant. Kai, he was constantly bringing his self to my Jennie. Sending her gifts and even appear out of the moment just to indulge himself to Jennie.

"Get a grip man, you have the huge blessing between your legs and you're not using it? Are you gay?"Jungkook tease. He knows that I am not but this was his way to push my ego. I just roll my eyes on what he said

"Shut it, and just ...."I was not able to finish I'm about to say when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I know that is my Jennie so I reach it out and read. I was stunned with the content.

'She was breaking up with me'
'No, that can't be'

'Yes, Lisa maybe you forgot how many times she tried just to make you surrender yourself and make love with her and you constantly declining it'Pervert Lisa told in my mind. And she was right somehow. But I respect my girl and I have my dreams to look forward I can't be parent this early.

'You read it right, she fucking implanted birth control just for you, and now you're making excuses again'Fuck right. What I am gonna do now.

'Just fucking stand up and go to her, don't keep your huge dick. Lisa admit that you misses her clenching tight pussy too'My demonic pervert self told me in my mind.

I was startled and came back to my senses when Bam smack condom right in front of my face. And a fucking box of it in large size.

"Have sex with her already or you'll lose her"Yeah right, he was like a girl. Not only he's good gossiper but also observer. He literally head down focused on the screen of my phone and read Jennie's reply.

In my immediate response, I stood up and put the condom in my pocket. Not minding what I was wearing. And thankfully a cab already waiting outside, so no need for me to wait.

Thank you guys for making a way to help me. Jisoo called a cab already in a minute that I was in myself, maybe Bam nudge them to eavesdrop to my text message. They were very supporting to me, even at first they were surprise and shocked that Jennie was my girlfriend and the cousins was proud of me and loving that I was the one Jennie choose compared to Kai, they even shared to the group that I was Jennie's first relationship.

I am not a person to kiss and tell, but of course having a curious friends like a lawyer who was preparing to attend a hearing, they know how to find ways to find evidence how to make me admit that they were right. One afternoon I went home alone coming from Jennie's condo, at that time we've just had an intense make put and almost had sex but of course my kind told me to control it so I practically went home frustrated, and my only mistake was to forgot to lock my room and immediately went to comfort room and do my business so they caught me masterbatung moaning Jennie's name and that's the reason why they able to make me said what I shouldn't.

I know telling them something personal about us will lead to non stop teasing. Yes, I told them everything, the controlling, sexual frustrations and constant seducing of Jennie that make my mood not so good. But in response, they just laugh at me. Idiots right?

With Nancy? Well, she was one of the kind. She understand and even doesn't mind what Jennie had done with her in the past.

"Its in the past Lisa, and its your heart not mine"She irritably said to me because I always said sorry to her that I am inlove with someone who bully and hurt her. Yes, I don't need to ask forgiveness because I hadnt done something wrong with her but I just feel that I needed to.

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