Chapter Seventeen - Tests

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Every relationship is not meant to be perfected. To build it strong, you have to strengthen the wall that might help shield your relationship during circumstances. Like a war, this is like preparing to win and stand strong again after the destructions.

Will past experience affect Lisa? How will Jennie prove that she's different? Was love is enough? How they are going to make it?
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A strong sweet secret relationship they were managed to keep for almost 3 years now given a tests.

Lisa POV

Being inlove with Jennie is something everyone will dream of, and I am lucky enough because I'm the owner of everyone's dream.

We are able to keep it secret for years now. I'm really thankful for my friends and hers for shutting their mouth, I want us in public but I can't gasps the judgement of people.

We're in Junior year College now. 1 more year, and I will face the reality. Making my dreams come true ladder begins to heighten more but nothing is compared to the happiness it will bring if I achieved it.

We were happy but sometimes I feel that Jennie was faking her smile and I don't know why because everytime I asks her she always said 'I'm okay, just tired' and what makes me mad was there's a man, Hanbin was the name, I think. The two were classmates, he was transfer student, rich, handsome and people always thought that they were together and my girlfriend looks happy with him.

And it made me sad and hurt. But I can't tell her that. Because it might lead to something I didn't want to come.

I was jealous, I am supposed to ask Jennie a dinner date but when I made my way to her room, I was surprised to what I heard.

"Jen, are you free tonight?" Hanbin said. I am not surprised because I know that she was attracted to Jennie and my girl was oblivious.

"Yes, I am why?" What did I hear? Fuck, Lisa maybe you forgot you two had fought for almost a week now. And neither of you back down your prides.

Yes we fought. And its because of Somi. She was one of my fangirls before and always commenting to my instagram posts but now that girl was a model actress to KMK Entertainment Corp. so basically were workmates but Jennie was jealous for no reason. Only a picture and she accused me of cheating. That time, I was tired and my head is aching, I shouted at her and that made her more mad leaving me in my room with a loud bang door. Well that time I believed I didn't make mistake so my pride told me not to ask forgiveness unless she asked me first.

"Well, its my birthday and my family told me to invite my friends, but since you're the only one I friended here from the time I transferred, so what do you think?"Yes, because you have plan on my girlfriend. Tssssss

"No problem, just text me the address, bye"Jennie said sending her gummy smile.

'Looks like someone was already taken my supposed place' Sighing hard and went backing away to the sight of two because my tears was about to fall. So I just text her besides I know already what she will answer.

Baby J ❤️
-Babe, I'm sorry for this past few day and I miss you, I can't stay like this. You constantly ignoring me was a knife piecing my heart, and I'd like to have date with you if you're okay with that. I love you 😘

I texted her that with a tears in my eyes. Imagining their dinner tonight was like a bullet shot to my body heating some nerves leaving me comatose.

Minutes and hours passed but I haven't received any reply from her so I know what it is already.

So I asked my friends to have a small drink and they agreed, even I won't tell them my problem, they know it already.

That a supposed to be small drink turned to have many empty bottles in the table, and were all drunk and they invited to me to join them clubbing, and because I have nothing to do I said yes.

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