Chapter Eleven - Hawaii

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"Good Morning Hawaii" Lisa shouted near hear window watching the sunset.

The beautiful scenery combined with the fresh air sticking in her skin and the calming sound coming from the waves of the ocean relaxes a bit of her worries.

'For now, its all about myself, loosen up Lisa, you deserve to rest and enjoy'She kept telling that to herself.

She was closed eyes smiling enjoying this best moment of her life. In a few minutes, a rambling sound was loudly heard. Laughing to her self, she knows it was her stomach. Asking for food because she haven't eaten since she came. But not before she closed the windows, she was shocked surprise of the familiar brunette standing yawning cutely near her rented nipa hut.


She was staring for too long at the brunette whom was hair is tied back in ponytails looking adorable with the pair of silky night black pajama pairs.

Not so long ago, she thought of having a relax mind but now everything was conflicted. The presence of Jennie was giving her a hard time to think freely.

The denying and ignoring of what she really felt towards the little kitten that was giving her almost a heart attacked was now completely diminished.

Her heart was beating harshly fast, feeling the heat was building up, those fitted pajama pair silk was curving the sexiness of Jennie made a tint of pink colored all through out her ears and face going to her neck. She was frustrated for almost 3 weeks, this supposed vacation was to make her self forget the reason of her sexual frustrations.

Her unending thoughts was cut off by a smiling little bean who was just smirking a while ago.

Jennie really planned this. With the help of her loving father. The plotting of 'Ruby Jane 4.0 plan' was slowly starting successfully.

"Hey Lisa, what a coincidence! I dreamed to have a short vacation in this beautiful island but I was more happy seeing you here"Jennie smiled innocently to her looking like she was also shocked of Lisa's presence

"You're right, hmmmm Jen, can I excuse myself, you know my stomach was calling now.Hahahaha"Pressing her hards in her stomach gesturing that she was hungry. She was thankful that she has reason to go away without explaining her self because she can't stay long with the presence of Jennie.

"I'm about to eat my breakfast too, can I join you? if thats okay with you, but if not well that will be okay too"Looking genuinely happy but deep inside her 'Just fucking say Yes Manoban'.

Lisa on the other hand was feeling bad of the thought of leaving Jennie rejected so she instantly said Yes.

The two had a wonderful breakfast, they laugh with each other jokes and the worrying negative thoughts of Lisa lately was diminished for a split minutes of time with Jennie.

After the breakfast, the two bid their goodbyes because Lisa was still tired and decided to sleep for another couple of hours besides she was staying her for 3 days so she needed enough energy for her upcoming activities in the island.

— — —

Groaning annoyingly to the rapid loud knock from her door, she stand up still in closed eyes who forgot that she was only wearing a boxer and sports bra, opening the door immediately then asked the intruder with an annoyed 'What?'.

She was still in daydreaming so the interruption to her heavenly dream made the long legged monkey a little angry.

A few seconds that she didn't hear any response. She slowly opens her right eye which takes a while to adjust from the sudden light but she turned stunned when she realized that the intruder was Jennie who was now looking down between her legs-shocked and not moving.

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