Chapter Three - Evil Plan

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The next day. It was weekend. Dan Aaron, Mario's best friend visited him to play online games and drinking beers.

Mario was contemplated for a minute but after a while his mind has made a brilliant idea.

'Why not used this oppurtunity.Hmmmmm' Putting his hand hand below his chin. Looking decided with his plan.

He was really grateful for the instant opportunity to used.

"Men, what's up you're spacing out" Dan Aaron said while looking to the screen and settings the game before starting up

"I needed your help, don't worry this time I will not put harm in you" Mario responded with determination

Dan looked at him seriously observing his friends facial expression. Judging by the looks, he sounded truthful. But the hesitation is there. The last time he helped this bastard friend of his put him grounded for a month, cutting his allowance in half and confiscation of his motorcycle.

"What it is this time, Marriot?"Dan always mock his friend with this nickname. He has no intention to never help his friend but he needed assurance. His parents loved him but something unethical manner he possesses was sincerely punishable.

"You know Kitty right?, well, I know she had this slight crush on you and you had been in love to her for many years now, and I have this rival need to eliminate not in a way harming her physically, so help me encourage Kitty to play lovable and caring towards my rival and make her in love and I'll help you with Kitty"Winking to his friend. He knows his plans and persuasive ways to explain might be victorious.

"You know men, I can make my move right? I really don't need you, come on  I know my capabilities" Dan Aaron said sounding proud of his self. Being a hot man to his age with good looks is advantage so he has no problem at all. But of course he was willing to help his best friend its just his teasing him for now.

"Hmmmm don't be too full of your self, you know who I am to Kitty now, our relationship improved past 2 years so you really need me, getting inside her pants is challenging, I know her history. And according to her ex she was wild. Hahahaha. But truthfully, after they broke up, she was really not into relationship. What I'm saying is you're in love to her men, so for her to love you back, you need me"

Listening with his best friend comment he admit that Mario was really stating the truth. For him, it was challenging to make a move to someone who put high barriers and walls. Breaking it must come with zigzag road. With the help of his best friend somewhat really helpful. Afterall, this idiot best friend of him knows exactly everything about Kitty, his first love.

There conversation was interrupted pf doorbell. Well, you know exactly who is it. Of course its all of his friends.

"What's up what's up?, oooopppppsssss, we had handsome company here" Peatris said shouting when he entered the house. He was the nosy among them. The gossiper.

"Yeah, I was just surprise too, but any way I know you all know him, right Kitty?" Mario teasingly said while grinning and wiggles his eyebrows to Kitty but the latter just rolled her eyes. Yes even she had a slight crush on Dan Aaron, she was really not that who make big deals and not into serious intimate relationship. Maybe for one night stands, the offer stands good for her.

"So what's up? I am not patient to hear your surprise, enlighten us with your biggest plan, YOUR HIGHNESS" With matching bowing Peatris like an obedient servant to there lord. The rest just laugh with that silly act.

Mario just playfully punch Peatris shoulder and invited everyone to sit first and serve them a pop corn and beer.
- - -

"So you're telling me, I need to be a different version of mine just for that freak, seriously Mario, I am not a toy in everyone's game. Let's find another way"Shouting irritated Kitty, but looking to her group that looks like serious and second handed Mario's idea made her realize that there's no other way. Sighing heavily and continued

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