Chapter Nine - Confused

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Monday morning the sun was shining bright, rays pointing towards the wet garden and the heat gives everyone a positive and energize feeling. Last two more weeks and the class for this school year was about to end. Finals examination is coming up.

In Kim International Academy hall ways, the cat eyed brunette was walking swaying slightly her hips approaching someone who frustrated her last two nights ago.

She was smiling genuinely towards her, looking like a little cute puppy who about to meet its owner for a long time.

'What a beautiful day, with a beautiful girl right in front of me'Jennie was in very best today. The frustration she felt that night was changed to a longing lost heart who meets the capturer.

'This is not what you signed up for, Lisa'

'This is not you came here'

'This is not, please always remember that'

'She will hurt you too'

'Assuming will lead to devastation, turned down it before it kills you first'

'Stop it'

'Don't commit same mistakes'

'Its suicide'

Lisa constantly repeated in her thoughts. Reminding her self not to be fooled again. She came her to create her future, not to find her so called forever.

Three meters aways, two and ............ one then

'Fuck what just happen, she seriously avoided me?'

'Are you fucking serious Lisa Manoban?'

Yes, she avoided her, passing to her like she was non existent and stranger. Walking fast to opposite direction living the dumbfounded Jennie.
— — —

It was end of class, Lisa was the last one who went out of the classroom because she consulted her professor first about her academic status and if she had a lacking grades but thankfully she had none.

Walking out, she was surprised when the brunette angry kitten was in front of her folding her arms staring at her pouting.

'Hahaha cute'Lisa's thought but she immediately reminded to erase the compliment she just give a while ago.

She walked like there's no one in her way which angered Jennie more.

Jennie took Lisa in surprise by pulling her harshly going to the vacant room. Ofcourse, the surprised Lisa was letting her to be dragged away not fighting back.

She has no strength to fight back or even defend her self, she can't find any reasons of what was going on her too. The curiosity was eating her. The strong attraction towards Jennie was unexplainable and that affects her judgement to the situation she was in now.
— — —

Lisa found her self in a dark quiet room. Her senses came back to reality when Jennie pushes her hardly in the cold wall. The slight aching back of hers is bearable.

Lisa was mute up until now making the small bean reach her maximum level of angriness.

"Lisa, what's wrong with you, are you fucking kidding me? We've kissed like there's no tomorrow and if you stop maybe we made love already and now you're ignoring me like I don't exist in your world, what do you think of me, a plaything of yours? That anytime or anything you want comes always your way?"Jennie spits aggressively pulling Lisa shirt's collar but the latter was just looking down scared with her dear life. It was like a dejavu, the incidents, bullies and hurtful words was thrown to her when she was in Thailand was coming back.

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