Chapter Six - New Beginning

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"Hey Lisa, wake up" Bam shrug her softly. After hours of trip from Thailand to Korea dozed off Lisa and drifted her to long sleep.

"Come on Monkey, wake up, we're here" Bam continues. Shrugging now hard because it seems that his cousin was in dreamland.

Flickering her forehead. Lisa woke up angrily. Giving her cousin a death stare but the latter just laugh awkwardly knowing he just fucked up.

"Tsssssss" Lisa stoop up and went out wearing her face mask and cap.

Inhaling a different air with a temperature that was cold compared to Thailand was seems a dream come true for Lisa.

'This is it, Hi Korea, my dream, my future, and my new beginning'

Walking with her cousin Bam. A man with a suit came to them bowing and the two of course bowed towards him too. They're maybe foreign to this country but the two had read the culture of Koreans so they know how to respond in order to avoid misunderstandings.

"Ms. Manoban and Mr. Bhuwakol, welcome to South Korea, I am Mr. Jae Sook, Mr. Kwangsoo's Kim personal assistant. And I am told that if it is okay with the you that I will bring you first to KMK?"

"Oh sure, no problem Mr. Sook, we are very happy and thank you for welcoming us" Lisa replied with respect and Bam smiled with the suit man.

— — —
At Kim International School

"Ow shit, guys you know what"Nayeon said immediately after she sit down to her desk. She just came in late to their class but yet her she is gossiping.

"What it is now Nayeon, you're late but lucky you the teacher didn't came"
Jennie said not interested to her friend news.

"Come on Jen, stop being pussy early in the morning"Nayeon respond and the others laugh with what Nayeon said making the brunette glare at her.

"But here I have a very good news girls"Their she is with a sparkling eyes. And the other was very attentive to what she is about to say because the reaction she was giving sending them something that the news she was about to spill was indeed not just a nonsense gossip.

"Spill it, come on"Irene butt in. She was the type of person that was pushy and not patient.

"Okay, okay chill, tssssssk"With a rolling eyes.

Jennie was still not interested but eavesdropping too.

'What a shameless person you are Jenduek'Nayeon thoughts. The look her friend was giving is something contradict with the way she was reacting verbally. So she continued..

"The Bruschweiler's cousins"Nayeon said dreamily

After hearing this, Jennie reacted immediately

"Wh-what about them?"

In Nayeon's mind she was laughing. 'Hahahaha not only shameless, very shameless' She knows that her lovely friend was very interested to Lisa. Their last conversation about this cousins was very interesting. The stalking and sharing thoughts among their friends killed almost of their time during their night girls time that was supposed clubbing. Thanks to Bruschweiler's because they skipped their usual trippin for a night of Saturday.

"I am informed that Bambam Bhuwakol and Lisa Manoban are about to transfer in our freaking school. Jendeuk, you're not inform with this, you're cousin Yeri posted a picture of her and Lisa last night and that began the rumors rooming around now"Nayeon said teasing Jennie. She knows that Yeri and Jennie are not in speaking terms. She passed her phone to the rest with the posted picture of Yeri

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