Chapter Fifteen - Fake Threat

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Warning Matured Content (18+)
Listen to the music while reading this. Sorry in advance I am not good making smut. Enjoy. Ciao

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Jennie slumped her body down to bed. Reading what Lisa had replied. Rolling her eyes for the nth time, re reading what Lisa has replied.

"Damn it"She shouted almost throw her phone to wall but with the sudden idea in her mind poop out, she replied...

Baby L ❤️

It was just a playful threat, never in her life that she will break up with Lisa. She really love the blonde long legged doe eyed monkey look. Smiling in victorious, she knows in any minute someone will ring the bell.

And it did......

A ding dong and a multiple knocks was repeatedly banging to Jennie's door. She was playing hard to get. Acting like she had no interest to open the door.

Standing up and goes to her couch, she was smiling at the door.

Someone in low voice melts her longing heart.

"Babe, Im here. Please open the door"Lisa said in begging slow voice not to attract attention to Jennie's neighbor.

"Babe, please"She was about to cry when the door swung open with the sight of the brunette who captured her heart, someone who she can't afford to lose. She immediately bring herself engulfing the small brunette to a tight hug.

Jennie was still on her act, she doesn't hug her back. But when she felt a trembling Lisa with a small sob she knows the act is over because she was hurting her.

Hugging her back and snuggles to her more close. Inhaling the scent she was addicted. Wrapping her hands to the blonde waist. In was a long moment of hugging, Jennie break the hug, making a small space between them, then cupped Lisa's small face, kissing the tears away while staring lovingly her and giving her known gummy smile.

No words is needed, an eye contact send much meaning and it was something the two lovers had. The connection.
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Jennie POV

After that long staring, a message was sent to me, I knocked something deep inside her. Those hurt eyes I only seen for the first time was terrifying the hell out of me. It was supposed a joke threat but here I am hurting the person i love the most.

I was startled when she kissed me. A hard aggressive kiss. I am loving it, this is I wanted and awakening the beast inside her was my triumph.

Whatever she want to do with my body, I will be happily give it to her.

The kisses was intense and meaningful, she picks me up and I know what she want so I immediately wrap my legs to her waist, there it is, I felt her hardening cock poking to my butt.

I waited for this for so long, and I don't need to be virgin mary, its what I am praying for months now and she was giving me hints that now it is the time to claim my prize.

"Bed now"I said between our kisses and she hurriedly walk fast going to my room.

Stumbling to the stairs, I know Lisa can't wait too as I am. When she opened the door I felt her groaned. I know her foot accidentally kick something hard. Even with the pain she felt, I can feel that she was more attentive to our heated making out.

A loud closing door was heard and I know Lisa did that. My nerve is burning up. I was wet with her the moment she kissed me.

Feeling the smooth mattress, it was the time I realized that we're here in my bed and the person above me was kissing my neck now.

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