Chapter Four - Surprise

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Mild Sexual content ahead (18+)

After finding out that everything just a fucking plan to hurt her. Lisa just sadly smile with that incident. She might be hurt but actually accepted her fate. Maybe for now her life is a mess but she still believes that someday everything will turn up side down. Its not forever she will feel this way. She highly believe to miracles.

Bambam and Isabela is now in relationship. And Lisa was very happy.

Today was her birthday. Bambam insisted her to celebrate it. For him just a simple feast will do. Because his surprise is somewhat something big and it will loosen up the emotional distress of his cousin felt because of what happened.

Tina, their other cousin brought her car. She planned to take them in a road trip since it was Lisa's birthday. But of course her gift was a small lechon and soft drinks which only enough for the four of them.

Bambam and Isabela made a spaghetti, bought a cake and liquors to bring on there road-trip.

Lisa on the other hand was opposed with these but she had nothing to decline this plan since her two annoying cousin prepared much and even asked her parents approval.

Everyone is ready to go. Lisa accompanying Tina on her car while Bambam and Isabela had their own.

After a long ride, the two vehicle parked in an area where no one is around but the environment is very peaceful.

Trees swaying happily, a chirping sound of bird and a peaceful wave of water rolling to sound from the abandon beach calming Lisa'a mind.

Breathing deeply, inhaling the fresh air while closing her eyes, Lisa's tear rolls down her check but she immediately wipe it. It was overwhelming feeling that after all she felt, for once she was happy. She was very grateful with her cousins and of course to Isabela.

The four of them chats endlessly, drink liquors lightly, and swim to open sea. The laughs and jokes ease Lisa's pain. She almost forgot everything but of-course this birthday of hers will not complete without the surprise Bambam kept for many months. So he decided to speak.

"Monkey, Happy Birthday really. And I am sorry in advance for these" Bambam gestures Lisa to read the email in his phone.

Lisa widens her eyes not believing with what his cousin had done.

"Tell me, you're kidding right"Lisa was still shock but she was really indeed happy

"Nope cous, sorry for not asking you permission first but I applied to them passing our dance video, actually I just tried but of course I didn't expect that we got it, so what do you think?"Bambam was really happy that his surprise really made her monkey cousin smile

"Don't ask because you already know what my answer is, tsssss, I think a job for 3 months can help me save right? I'll tell this to my parents"Not having second thoughts, Lisa decided to grab the awaiting opportunity.

Tina and Isabela knows about Bambam surprise and the two was really supporting. And besides, Isabela will continue her studies to States. And Tina of course was a actress.

Hours passed and they decided to went home. It was indeed a happy birthday for Lisa. The simple celebration with her special loved ones, the surprise that will change her future, and a very supporting parents after they know the knows. Her father even offered her a job to the cuisine where he worked. And ofcourse Lisa agreed to it even she knows it hurts to know that she will work to place where the owner's daughter pained her.

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