Chapter Twelve - First Time

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Pacing back in forth, undecided to what she will wear to her first ever date with Jennie, Lisa wasted almost an hour only for what dress to wear.

After a while, groaning in annoyance. She decided to wear a black jogger and white v-neck. She had no choice because this was the clothes she brought here in Hawaii. This date was unexpected.

'What date Lisa? Its just a dinner'Yeah right. Jennie told it was just a dinner but for Lisa it counted as a date.
— — —

After her simple make over. She decided to surprise Jennie by knocking on her first but disappointed when the brunette was looking sexy in her backless fitted dress that hugs her shaping petite body who was just came out for her room.

She was practically ogling to the one who's smirking already and said

"Are you just gonna stare at me or will go have our dinner first" A punch of embarrassment runs towards Lisa whole-being.

"Ye....yeah, I'm sorry about that,'re just ahh...hhhmm beautiful Jennie"Not realizing she just said

'Ow what the fuck you just said Lisa'

"I know right"Jennie said while walking forward to unmoving Lisa leaning her mouth near to Lisa's ear which sends to tall one a shivers running through her entire system. She continued

"You too, too hot to my liking"And with that, Jennie walked unbothered leaving the almost dead Lisa.

'You'll the death of me Jennie'Lisa's thought and when she realized that the brunette was meters away already she almost jogged to catch up with her.

The dinner was something Lisa didn't expect. It was a date. A romantic special one. She didn't believe that Jennie almost prepared everything on advance. From the food, designs and the music accompanying them towards their dinner really melts her heart. With that, she knows denying was the last thing she'll do.

'I'm giving my chance, a chance to love again, and with you, Jennie'

Author POV

The dinner went fast and the excitement and heart throbbing the two felt a while ago was now gone, replaced by a sudden sadness because the two will split again. Sleeping alone in their own bed. It was the same feeling but no one really made a move to just confront and tell the other one to stay for another hours or the entire evening.
— — —

The walk was silent, no one dared to say a word. The both of them was having a thoughtful spacing, unwilling to bid goodbye but had no strength to say it loud.

The long slow walked from the resto to their rented nipa hut reached the end, and that means goodbye. Sighing the tall one break the awkward silence.

"Ahh...mmmmh Jen, thank you for this night and I really enjoy it"Smiling fakely because she really felt sad

"Okay, I enjoy it too, Goodnight Lisa"unwilling Jennie just nodding her head. Not letting Lisa to see the sadness wearing her face she immediately walked fast going to her room.

'Okay Jennie, one more night. One more night'
— — —

Three in the morning, Lisa was sweating. She felt heavy above her body. What she not expect was that...

"Jennie what are you doing here"Lisa asked. She was shocked that the brunette was with her.

"Lisa, I really love you and I can't wait you for so long, please be mine."Jennie said kissing Lisa's neck.

The sensual feeling was building up. The small brunette was now kissing her strong 6 shaping bread abdomen which awakens her little dirty havenly secret.

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