Chapter Thirteen - Mine Alone

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Waking up in the morning with the whole body aching badly. But somehow she felt completely marvelous that in her whole life it was the first time she was glowing shiny.

Moving more closer to known intoxicating scent she's been inhaling since last night, she felt Sore but she really dedicated to have a skin contact to the one who claimed her last night that was sleeping peacefully.

She smiled with the cute snores came out from Lisa's skillful mouth.

The vibrating tender giggles creates friction to Lisa's chest. Smiling discreetly, she tighten her wraps to the small bean lying beside her. Inhaling the vanilla scent that knowingly her favorite now.

Two sleep more for hours and Lisa forgot that she missed her flight. The time she woke up. She was happy but doomed.

'Its your fault for being lovesick teenager horny, now blame yourself and use your goddamn money'Evil lisa who was silently waiting to herself to came back to her senses told Lisa when she woke up 1 in the afternoon.
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Lisa found Jennie still in her deep sleep so she carefully stood up not to wake her up but when she move it earns a soft whimper from the brunette but still goes back to her dreamland.

She hurriedly showered because today was supposed to be her last day and she can't stay long because it was the approved days to stay here in Hawaii.

After she took a shower, that's the only time she realized that she was not in her room and hurriedly went out but welcomed with the smiling blushing brunette who was still naked behind the covers.

With the sight of Lisa in her bathrobe, Jennie was in dirty imagining thoughts who doesn't realized of the already standing dazzling human who wreck her last night.

"Jen, I am sorry for not asking you first, I used your bathroom because I needed to catch another flight going back to Korea, I missed my flight that supposed to be 10 this morning"Lisa said to Jennie

"Yeah and about that, you don't need to because my uncle owned a private jet which was the one brought me here, so what do you think?"Jennie said offering to her but expecting a positive response

"Aa..are you sure Jen?"Jennie nodded.

Its not that she was shy for the sudden offer, she just can't bring her self not to touch the brunette after what happened last night and also she was really not a fan of living a free life. She knows to her self that labor comes first before the favor. So an offer for free is a no-no to her even her mind was telling her just accept it because you're saving money.

The two was bickering continuously. Lisa was still decided just to buy a plane ticket but when the brunette glared at her she looked like a puppy asking forgiveness after bitting her owner's slipper and immediately agreed to it.
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Lisa was still awkward because she didn't know what was their status now. And she wasn't sure what to do to claim the brunette as officially hers because of their social differences.

'You just fucked her Lisa, don't be coward'

Jennie was about to stand up but the pain was really succumbing her body. A little whimper came out from her pouty lips and Lisa chuckles playfully. She picked up Jennie and the brunette immediately wraps her arms around Lisa's neck leaning forward to lie down her head to Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa carried Jennie to bathroom. The brunette was secretly kissing Lisa's neck teasing her playfully. At first, it was unnoticed but when Lisa felt something wet smooth lips was in her jaw, she knows that the guilty brunette was really playing with her self control. She really tried to don't mind it but the twitches and slightly hardening of her manhood was now painful, thankfully that she was just wearing bathrobe it was freely placed.
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