Chapter Eight - Frustrated Lust

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Red and Blue lights dancing, loud buzzing sound from the DJ, the click sound of drinking glass, erotic acts-kissing, dancing in a lap and grinding each other welcomes Lisa's ear and eyes. It was normal occurrence when you are clubbing so she don't mind it and made her way to where the rest of her friends were. Nancy, Rosè, Mina, Chaeyoung, Yeri and Hyeri was not able to join them because they choose to had they're girls night watching movies. Mina was friended to both, even she was friends with Jennie. She was someone who decided not to side one party, as long as they don't do harmful to her she was happy to be friends with you. So Jennie and Yeri side respected that.

The boys also decided that they will join them after clubbing.

"Bam, when circumstances come and when the company finds out, we're dead"Lisa said concerned because clubbing was against the contract they signed to KMK but Bam constantly begged her to join him so she has no choice. She can't afford seeing her cousin drank because he was broken of Isabela who unexpectedly cheated on him.

"Don't worry couz, Yeri allowed us and she said she can cover"Yes its true, Bam also asked permission to Yeri and the latter was really not against it because they really deserved it.

"Just make sure of that, I can't afford this chance to slip away"Lisa seriously said earning an uninterested nod and 'yeah yeah' mocking sound from her cousin

The two made their way, BTS, Jackson, Lucas, Heechul, Daniel, Seulgi, Jisoo, Jeongyeon and Dahyun was there already waiting for them.

They started drinking while laughing and constantly teasing each other.

Across them was the group of girls who were staring at them. The cat eyed brunette was wearing a channel black-less dress partnered with 3-inch high heels was drinking her cocktail gazing lovingly to Lisa, planning something that will lead to have a good conversation with the tall long legged pointy nose with plump lips girl across not far from their table.

After a while Lisa excused her self. Minutes ago, she forced not to pee because she was engrossed with their gangs topic about mobile legends but she can't stop now. Her friends just shoo her. And she immediately made her way to comfort room.

When Jennie noticed it, she had already a plan in mind. She also made her way to comfort room. When Lisa stepped out, she acted drank and while looking down she purposely collided to Lisa, faking her fall caught off guard and immediately changed to concerned Lisa.

"Ouch"Jennie acted hurt

"Hey Miss, I'm sorry"Lisa bent down immediately to help Jennie stand

Jennie immediately make her arms hold Lisa's back neck. Lisa was pulling her up so she acted limping looking something was aching and it was effective because Lisa was looking guilty.

"Hey Miss, owwwww Jen, I'm really sorry, I can help bring you home if you can't walk"She realized that it was Jennie the bully so she offered her something because she was scared to be a laughing stack again if Jennie was going to revenge on her. She knows who and what Jennie can do and by witnessing what happened to Nancy with Jennie's wrath she was really happy to just ditch her friend just to bring this little kitten home.

"No it's okay Lisa, just help me going back to my friends table"

'Planned Success. Hahahaha Ruby Jane plans really works'Jennie thoughts

Lisa immediately hold Jennie close to her, supporting her to stand while snaking her arms to Jennie waist. But that wasn't enough to Jennie so she acted that it was really hard to walk.

"Hm.mmm mmm if its okay with you, can I carry you?"Lisa said while scratching the back of her neck-her mannerism when she was nervous

"Yeah sure, sounds good, besides it was your fault.tssssss"Jennie sounding angry but it was just an act and it scares Lisa so she immediately pick up Jennie in her broad strong arms. Jennie immediately wraps her arms clasping it in Lisa's neck to make it close to her so she can inhale Lisa's scent and it was really effective because....

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