Chapter Twenty Seven - Life Choices

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Sunday morning, the shines brights smiling to mother earth, with the singing birds chirping and the balanced temperature make it perfect with people liking. The couple who just sleep 3 hours ago was both exhausted but also felt blooming. Its like a flower that was withered for days meet the rain to keep the stems dehydrated and watered normally.

A loud knock interrupted their sweet dreaming and spooning. The brunette cat eyed small bean who still in Lisa arms clinging with her cute snores echoes the calm room which was smell sex.

"LISA, OPEN THIS DOOR"Chitthip knocked angrily to Lisa's bedroom creating loud noise and it made the other people woke up.





Then the door swung open reaveling Lisa in her boxer and sports bra. She forgot that she had so many love bites. Jennie was still lying in the bed, Lisa only covers her body not to let her mom see her nakedness.

Still in her eyes closed.

"Mom what is it"Lisa in her morning voice asked innocently even she knows what with this sudden outburst of her mom. Well, you know she still hopes that her Mom was going to calm but...

"WHAT IS IT HA"Chitthip pulled her daugther right ear harsly making it red and heated

"Ow—ouch Mom, hey Mom, I'm sorry okay, let me explain"Begging to her mom because it stings

"Honey, let our daughter explain"Marco calming her wife and trying to loose the harsh pulling of Chitthip to their daughter but that only earns a glare from his wife. Sighing because he know he can't win this kind of arguments, he gestures a surrender hands and stare to her daughter telling her that he's sorry because he can't do anything against it and Lisa understand it.

After a while, Chitthip felt tired because her daughter was very tall and it only made her palms swell because of how hard she pulled Lisa.

"SIT"Still in her angry tone command her daughter who was rubbing her red ears but that doesn't affect Chitthip to feel guilty and only chuckles. Lisa immediately look down guiltily knowing that whatever explaination she gave its still unacceptable with her mom's belief.

"LOOK TO MY EYES, PRAPRINYA MANOBAN"She called me in my thai name that means she's beyond mad. Its like a magnetic pulls up trigerring the volcano to errupt in high magnitude leaving only ashes around. So I looked up staring seriously to meet the eye of my glaring mom.

"Mo—-mom I'm sorry okay,'s just I can't control it anymore and I love doing it as long is Jennie and I love her mom"Lisa confessed. She can't deny and make excuses towards her actions. She love doing that with the girl she only dream for her lifetime.

Hissing annoyed, Chitthip rub her forehead creating problematic sounds and looked to her daughter whose in her puppy innocent eyes begging for what she did wrong make her more angry.

"Wake up Jennie and I will talk to her, and prepare yourself to get married with her. I can't let you get away from this, what you did was wrong. Lisa, I always remind you that marriage comes first. You were gifted with such blessing and you're not using her head up there but instead you used that head down there. We'll talk to the Kims, for sure Jennie will get pregnant because your sperms are all active. I'm telling you this not because I didn't want you to have Jennie but because I was concerned with the two of you. Your father married me first befo-."Lisa didn't let her mom finished her sermons because her mom was sobbing rapping with the life lessons she give to Lisa.

On the other hand, Marco calming his wife, soothing her back softly because her wife was hiccuping. Marco nods his head to Lisa assuringly telling her to go on and fetch Jennie.

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