Nightmares Pt.2

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Awoken from sleep, Connie was up and sitting next to Daryl's side gently shaking at his shoulders. She was concerned slightly panicked ever since she woke from the feeling of him shaking violently next to her.

He was sweating profoundly with strands of hair stuck to his forehead the more he shook from a bad dream he was having. With her hands shaking his shoulders every other second, she could feel his chest heaving under his damp shirt.

He was scared.


The look on his face from the light emitting from their bedside lamp showed his face was almost child like and that's when she felt the vibrations from his chest. He was crying..

From the look on his scrunched up face, she needed him awake now. Her heart was racing miles a minute the longer he wouldn't shake from his nightmare. Shaking his shoulders a little harder this time finally she got him to wake up.

Jolting from the horror that had been right before his eyes. Daryl shook with a violent gasp. His clammy hands immediately reaching for the hands that were on his chest and grabbing them with an iron grip. His eyes were wild and unaware of where he was, so Connie tugged a hand out from his tight grasp and reached for the side of his face. Turning his gaze toward her in the dim lit room, she felt him flinch at her touch, but didn't draw away.

Keeping eye contact she carefully not to startle him rose her hand.

"It's okay" she signed,"You're okay.." She nodded.

Almost instantly she began to feel his breathing begin to calm little by little once he realized it was her sitting next to him. Slowly she withdrew her hand from the side of his face and returned it to her other that was still being held by his secure hold.

His grip was tight as if he were afraid she would slip away, so she put her hand on top of his and gave it a comforting squeeze.

The way he was squeezing her hand wasn't right. He'd dreamt of something horrible from the way his body still shook ever so lightly underneath her touch. His shirt was damp and his hair still stuck to his forehead. What ever he had been dreaming about really took a toll on him.

She was concerned.

Carefully Daryl sat himself up against the head board with Connie sitting patiently by his side. With a trembling hand, he wiped at the damp strings of hair that were stuck to his forehead to the side while Connie held his other hand in hers.

Daryl felt wet. All sweaty from the way his shirt clung onto his heaving chest and his hair stuck to his face. He hated the feeling, but it didn't bug him as much as the nightmare he was woken from.

Glancing toward Connie who was sitting on the heels of her feet beside him he uttered a quiet," 'm sorry.."

She looked upset. Though she didn't respond back, she gave his hand another gentle squeeze before giving a light shake of her head.

"No. You're fine" she signed with a brief pause taking in his tortured appearance and signing," I'm going to get you some water." Though before she could even move to do so, Daryl's grip tightened on her wrist.

"N-No!" She saw him cry lightly pulling her hands closer towards him, he shook his head," no.." there was that lost look in his eyes again. There was pain and the thought of her leaving him just to get some water caused that. Now Connie was more than concern now. She was worried.

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