Defending Connie Pt.3

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The day was beautiful. Just outside the sky was blue with a few stray clouds drifting on by. The sun was streaming through the windows of the kitchen, lighting up everything with its golden touch. Up and early the Grime children were sitting at the dining table enjoying a quiet breakfast while having small talk. Giggling between the two was heard every now and then as Rj kept playing with his scrambled eggs.

"No playing with your food Rj" Daryl gently spoke, giving the kid a look as he walked up to the table placing his own plate down in front of the smiling two.

"I don't like eggs" the boy complained while teasing his leftovers with his fork. Pulling out a chair for himself Daryl gave a sigh.

"You gotta eat them bud. You can't leave the table until you do."


"Cause your mom told me so."

Of corse Rj gave his usual pout before stabbing a piece of egg on his fork and putting it in his mouth, chewing. To get the kid to eat his vegetables was one thing, but when it came to other foods like eggs, Daryl was able to persuade him a little more with just a few words. He was grateful the kid listened and didn't push his plate away pouting and shaking his head, refusing to eat. He didn't feel like arguing today at least not over eggs. Though Daryl did find the weakness to Rj's eating habits when he'd been pouting one day over the green beans on his plate.

Many times Daryl told him that he needed to eat them. He went far enough to even throw in a little story about how if he ate his green beans then one day he'd grow big and strong like his mother. It was enough to have the child think the story over just for a second before he crossed his tiny arms and whined.

Daryl remembered sighing. With one last shot he then told the kid that if he ate his green beans then he'd give him chocolate milk. Sure enough Rj perked up and grabbed his fork.

Chocolate syrup was a luxury to have especially when it'd been hard to find, so once in a while chocolate milk was allowed to be given to the kids as Michonne once told him.

Before going to sit down in his chair he'd remembered that he'd forgot to grab himself a fork. Making his way back towards the kitchen, Connie was turning off the stove after their morning of making breakfast together was over. Walking just past her, he stopped right beside the sink, pulling open a drawer that held the utensils. Grabbing a fork, he felt a light tap on his shoulder just before shutting the drawer.

Turning, he was met with Connie's questionable gaze before watching her hands raise," Hey, so how did yesterday go?"

Something in his stomach knotted at the question. A wave of aversion crossed his mind at the reminder of how his day had went. He didn't want to think about it. It was done and over with.

""Was fine" he shrugged," why?"

Watching her, she'd had a knowing glint in her eye that showed she'd known yesterday had been rough. Maybe he'd showed that by shutting a door too hard or being more quiet than usual. She read him and knew something was up.

"I felt the bed shift on your side when you left last night" she signed," around three in the morning you stayed up and didn't come back to sleep" she frowned, searching his blues for some kind of answer," is something bugging you?"

His eyes dropped from hers when she'd spoke of his distraction. Something was on his mind and hadn't stopped since the incident with the two men.

"M'fine." He lied through his teeth because she'd been through enough lately and he didn't need her worrying or being concerned about him. She didn't need to know about the troubling two and the continuous mishaps that occurred daily. The taunts they threw his way about Connie and the smirks that followed right after stung- burned even.

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