Bow Training

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It was an early afternoon. People were up and working clock work since he'd woke this morning. Connie had left since ten that morning to go scavenge for supply with Kelly and Luke and a couple others outside of Alexandria.

So in the mean time, Daryl was target practicing with a few cans that sat straight on an old , but leveled stump. He'd found this unused area a while back and used it to his advantage to to keep away from others while he practiced his shooting to keep a good aim with his bow.

Sliding an arrow into the middle of his crossbow, he pulled it back until the string was set straight. Aiming his now reloaded bow towards the cans, eyes squinting and hands steadying, he took a breath.

Finger on the trigger ready to shoot until-


One of the cans flew backwards into mid air. Only his arrow wasn't the object that had struck the bullseye. Confused, his brows furrowed as he lowered his bow. Wondering what had struck his middle can, he turned his head only to see a familiar slender figure walking up to him with a smirk.

Damn. She could really impress him with that slingshot sometimes.

With a small yet shy smile dancing upon his lips, he signed,

"Show off."

With a knowing smirk he watched Connie give an innocent shrug of her shoulders as she made her way in front of him. Reaching for his free hand, she tangled their fingers together with a loving squeeze.

Following like usual, she leaned in for a sweet kiss that Daryl willingly leaned in for. Pecking her lips just before their eyes met once more.

"So, a little target practice?" She asked, eyes glancing to his target set up before returning back to his," getting rusty?"

Daryl scoffed, hand untangling from hers so he could sign. Though once done, he'd already missed the feeling of her hand in his.

"Never." He spoke, voice gruff before turning back towards the cans to show her how good he really was. Raising his crossbow once more, he aimed for the can on his left. Steady, he pulled the trigger and the arrow swooshed through mid air just before it took out its target with a clank.

With a satisfied smirk written on his face, he returned his eyes back to Connie who gave an impressed nod.

"Bullseye" she signed just before her eyes briefly wondered around the area as if looking for something. Returning her eyes back to daryl her brows furrowed questionably," Where's dog?"

"He's with Judith" he informed," she wanted to watch him today" watching her give an understanding nod, his eyes then dropped to his crossbow in his hand just as an idea popped into his head.

Turning slightly to look at the last can standing on the stump, he thought about what he was going to do and when he did there was no hesitation.

Eyes back to Connie's wondering ones, he gave a brief smile," Want to try shooting this?"

It was quite shocking honestly. He never let anyone touch his crossbow and if they had it had probably been because he'd been captured and that happened only once.

Connie seemed a little surprised yet her eyes showed her genuine warmth at the question that struck a heart string. He wanted her to practice with his crossbow? That was different. A good different. That question felt as if this was another big step in their relationship.

With a warm smile, she nodded before walking up to him and watching him hand over his prized possession that had gotten him through multiple situations and maybe even saved his life.

"It's a little heavy" he warned ahead of time as he put it in her hands, hands still holding onto his crossbow just to make sure she could hold it just fine.

Seeming okay so far, he couldn't help a smile dancing onto his lips when he watched her hold up his weapon in aiming position, eyes locked on the can.

She looked badass with his bow.

Not realizing he'd been staring, her eyes caught his in a kind way that made his eyes briefly drop to his feet. Bangs covering his face when he'd done so before glancing at the can in the distance.

"Alright" Daryl rasped, eyes returning back to Connie who'd been carefully watching. Though before he began showing her how to aim, he noticed the hand she had that was holding up the bow was a little out of place.

Walking up to her side, he put his hand on her forearm and gentle moved it back so it would be laying perfectly. From his peripheral he saw Connie smiling at him with her eyes causing a bit of an embarrassed feeling within.

Looking towards the can, he then met with her brown eyes once more.

"So" he started off when he met her gaze," focus on your target, steady your hands" he signed along with a subtle nod that she mimicked," when you think your locked on, pull the trigger."

With a nod, Connie returned her eyes back to the stump that held the can, she took a breath. The bow was heavy and it made the steadying of her hands a little difficult, but she pushed that out of her mind to get a perfect shot. Eyes locked onto the can with one last exhale, she pulled the trigger.

Quickly the arrow shot from the crossbow. Swooshing through the air and with her surprise the can went flying backwards from a direct hit.

Daryl perked up at the clanging from the hit. She hit the can. She hit it on her first try. Feeling proud about her aiming ability when her more than excited face turned to face him, he smiled with her,

"Should've let you practice a long time ago."

Watching her nose wrinkle in a light laugh, she warmed his heart. Though using the strength in her arm, she held his bow with a hand so she could sign with her other.

"How'd I look?"


With a genuine grin on her lips, she handed him his crossbow that he took into his grasp, speaking once more.

"You did really good."

She shrugged," I have a good teacher."

Feeling the heat rise to his cheeks at her comment in habit his eyes dropped to the grass beneath their feet, bangs falling into his face when he'd done so before raising them back to her warm browns.

"Have you had lunch? "

He shook his head," Nah"

With his answer, she gave a smile, hand reaching out towards his while throwing a thumb over her shoulder towards the community,

"Neither have I. Hungry?"

"Only if you teach me how to shoot your sling shot."

Laughing lightly at his remark, she responded with an of course before his hand was felt embracing her outstretched one. Fingers intertwining in a gentle touch although this time he gave a gentle squeeze, eyes meeting with hers along with a half smile before they started their way back towards the community life where they longed for a nice lunch together.

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