Something To Savor

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He was warm. Laying in his bed, one leg poking out from underneath his blanket. A good nights sleep had caused him to wake up so unnaturally early. The sun creeped through the small cracks of his blinds, seeping sunlight into his room.

Beginning to wake up, he began to feel a warmth he wasn't use to that laid upon his chest. Feeling a light brush of hair from the woman whose head had been laying on his chest.

Raising his head, he rubbed the tiredness away from his weary eyes just before opening and closing them a few times to adjust to the dim lighting in the room. He looked down at the woman in his arms and when he did, the heat within his body rose to his cheeks turning them a shade.

He wasn't use to this.

To make matters more uneasy, he'd seen his other arm draped around her shoulders as she'd peacefully slept on his chest. Probably laying in that position since he'd fallen asleep last night.

Though when he returned his eyes back to the woman, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat or two. She looked pretty. Her tight, brown curls laying in a perfect mess on his chest as she laid with a smile on her face.

Her skin against his bare chest felt nice. The feeling was too good to pass up and wanted to stay laying like this forever. With her in his arms in a safe and peaceful place where they were alone and most importantly together..

He loved her, but wouldn't dare say it out loud for a single soul to hear.

Insecure. Slowly, he withdrew his arm from around her shoulders and carefully tried to slip from underneath her touch. Hoping he'd succeed when her head was almost off his chest, gently trying to make sure she wouldn't budge until he was home free. Her head resting gently on the mattress.

He watched her for a few making sure she wasn't about to move before returning his eyes back to his mattress. Thinking until a subtle shifting in the bed occurred drawing his attention back to her as she'd began to wake. Hands already to her eyes and rubbing.

He felt his heart race, returning his eyes back to his covers until the warmth of her hand was felt resting on top of his that rested beside himself.

Turning his head back towards the woman who now rested her head against his pillow, gazing at him with a warmth in her eyes before she signed,

"Good morning."

Daryl gave a brief smile before responding with a gruff "Mornin'"

Voice a little hoarse from waking up a few minutes ago. A little water would make the rasp go away.

Watching her, she then seemed a bit concern

"You okay?" Connie signed, watching him give a nod from his spot from where he sat not to far, but in hands distance.

Keeping her hand on his, her fingers intertwined with his before giving him a gentle tug towards her. Not having any other choice but then to obey, he rested beside once more. Holding himself up with an elbow as he was now inches away from her face before she'd done something that he still wasn't use to.

Leaning forward she kissed his lips. Lingering for a few loving seconds before returning her eyes back to his. He knew she could see he was thinking and had something on his mind, so to get to the bottom, she pushed.

"What's on your mind?"

His eyes dropped to the sheets between them. He was never really good at opening up to anyone. Emotions have always been kept to himself and never really expressed in front of anyone, so being with Connie was something new. It was a good new that he didn't want to change. Ever.

With a gentle squeeze of his hand, his eyes dropped to their hands that were intertwined and rose her knuckles to his lips before pressing a soft kiss upon them.

He could already see a soft smile growing on her lips before he even rose his eyes to meet with her kind ones that waited patiently for his answer.

Not wanting to, he let go of her hand before signing to her,

"Not use to this."

Looking over his face, he wasn't as nervous when she gave an understanding nod, signing "me too."

Though Connie being Connie, she gave a light smile before scooting a little closer and signing,

"Anyway I can help?"

Daryl knew his answer. He knew that laying in this bed was his answer. Laying with her, warm and holding each other in silence. It's all he ever wanted.. she was all he'd ever wanted.

Raising a hand, he gently brushed the hair out of her beautiful brown eyes that showed him how much she loved him everyday.. they were kind and always held a warmth he'd never seen before. Other than Carol and Michonne.

Admiring her eyes for a moment, he then replied," Lay with me.."

Non the less. She didn't have to sign a word when she gave her usual soft smiles in the morning. sliding a hand behind his neck, she rested her forehead against his just before he leaned over and pressed a sincere kiss onto it.

Under the sheets his hand rested upon her bare waist, pulling her close just before her soft lips embraced his in a passionate kiss. He felt his cheeks warm, for he'd hadn't been close to someone like this since he could ever remember. She loved him and his scars. He'd told his stories of them and she listened. Understood everything he'd had to go through.

She felt sympathy, but assured him because of those happenings in the past it made him strong. Made him who he was.

With another embrace of her lips on his, he held her closer the more they kissed. Savoring moments like these together because they never knew what day could be the last. Everyday was a fight they now fought together. Side by side.

He was still learning from their relationship. He'd gotten way better at signing and understanding than he did before. Their hand holding in public was less embarrassing each day and her quick kisses to his lips in front of others before they'd spilt were nothing but to cherish. 

Of corse he'd duck his head and walk the other way right after, so he didn't have to see the smirks on everyone's faces, but he'd learn to not care eventually. It took time.

Now she'd been chest to chest with him. Arms around his neck as they'd continued a sweet make out, he felt some intensity washing upon him. The way his hand gripped her waist and her arms held him a little closer.

The second it began to grow, a loud bark followed by a thump in the middle of them startled them both before opening their eyes to see dog interrupting them.

To make matters worst, dog laid right in between them with another excited bark before giving a swift lick to Daryl's face causing him to sit up, wiping at the slobber on his cheek.

Looking at his dog a little agitated until his eyes rose to Connie who'd gave a soft laugh, nose wrinkling as she'd pet the dog who ruined a possible intimate moment between the two.

Eyes meeting with her amused ones once more, he couldn't help but give a smile and shake of his head, "bad dog."

Maybe laying in bed with his family wasn't going to be too bad. Giving a sigh, he let dog stay on the bed in between him and Connie before giving him a few pets.

Laying in bed he'd known he'd never been this content before. This is all he ever needed and when he would later be faced with a challenging question from Kelly asking him why he'd been late this morning to help watch the walls he'd give a gruff answer of "sleeping in" before going about his day. Knowing she was smirking from behind giving a mumbled.

"Yeah, sure you were."

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